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Ok, I did it. I stepped on the scale this morning

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Defeated. Thats exactly how I feel, defeated. I want to cry, but I refuse!

I weight 265. I've gained. My pants shrunk, but I have gained. I am walking between 7-10 miles a day and eating right but I have gained.

I know, I know, I am building muscle from walking and muscle weighs more than fat, but this is still very hard to take.

Here is a sample of what I ate yesterday and is indicitive of what I eat most days. ( I avey the meat and veggies but basically I keep it the same)

1 cup of coffee with 1/2 and 1/2 (my only fat indulgance)

1 GNC 100% whey protein shake

1 string cheese (sometimes 2 depending on how much I walk)

2 of those prepackages fruit cups (1 for lunch 1 for dinner)

1 single serve flavored tuna with 5 whole wheat crackers

1 ground turkey patti (sometimes 2 depending on how much I walk)

1 cup mixed vegetables

and 3 times a week I have a glass of orange juice that I have to take with my iron pill

On the days I do EXTRA walking, I get much hungrier so I usually eat more protein

The only thing I drink is flavored water with no calores, fat or sugar.

Now, of course, that one week when I had good restriction from my fill, all I had was a 1/4 cup of meat 3 times a day, or one of those Gerber Graduates meals because they are tiny but have all the necessary veggies/meat/carbs in them.

I go for that 3rd fill Wednesday and am very hopeful. But I am absolutely open to anyone who has any suggestions. Spell out a meal plan for me if you want, I will try it. Just make it very simple.

See, this is why I call that scale an UGLY SCARY RUDE MEAN MONSTER!


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Sorry you are having such a hard time. My weight loss slowed (stopped) when I started birth control pills again. Got off them, have lost like 12 lbs in a month. Sadly, I had to start taking them again due to extreme PMDD... Are there meds that might interfer with your loss? Are you sure you're getting enough calories? Sounds like you are really active. Have you talked to Dr Miranda yet?? She told me not to eat cheese, but I do a couple times a week anyway, I love cheese! I also write down every single calorie, fat, protein, fiber and cholesterol I eat. I try to stay within certain limits everyday. It almost sounds to me that you aren't getting enough, though I don't know the nutrional data of what you are eating. I supplement with fiber and protein to make sure I get enough. Good luck and I hope that the third fill helps!


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Oh mona im so sorry, I to am at a stand still while I have not gained any, I also havent lost any so i'm greatful for that. Like karelynn saud call Dr. Miranda maybe she could get you going on the right direction. I hope you get help with this new fill. Sending you love and hugs.

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I know, I know - but your pants have shrunk!! You have just got to come to terms with your body type - you most likely build muscle fast - there is absolutely no way you are gaining fat!!!!

I need you to say three times:

I am a smaller person today!!

I am a smaller person today!!

I am a smaller person today!!

OK, I’m going to wave my magic want…… (did it) and guess what!! You are a smaller person!!

That’s all you need to care about this week! Let the rest go, and love yourself for remaining true and doing such a great job – I’m really proud of you!!


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You're not eating enough. Counting up everything, two turkey patties, two string cheeses, and the OJ, you're still below 1100 calories.

Below 800 calories, without exercize, you won't lose a thing.

That would be great if you weren't also walking 10 miles. A 265 pound person burns 125 calories in an "office mile". Ten miles is 1250. Add that in and you're way too low. To lose anything, you'd need to consume at least 1250 + 800.

I suggest e-mailing Dr. Miranda, too.

Food Item Servings Cals Fat Cholest Sodium Carbs Sugars Fiber Protein

Coffee, Black 1.00 2 0g 0mg 5mg 0g 0g 0g 0g x

^ Servings consumed: Serving size: 8 oz.

Optional: When did you eat this? - select mealtime - breakfast morning snack lunch afternoon snack dinner evening snack midnight snack pre-workout post-workout Unclassified

GNC 100% Whey Protein Shake 1.00 90 2g 45mg 0mg 2g 2g 0g 18g x

^ Servings consumed: Serving size: 1 scoop

Optional: When did you eat this? - select mealtime - breakfast morning snack lunch afternoon snack dinner evening snack midnight snack pre-workout post-workout Unclassified

Sargento String Cheese 2.00 160 9g 30mg 480mg 2g 0g 0g 16g x

^ Servings consumed: Serving size: 1 unit (26g)

Optional: When did you eat this? - select mealtime - breakfast morning snack lunch afternoon snack dinner evening snack midnight snack pre-workout post-workout Unclassified

Del Monte Lite Mixed Fruit Cup 2.00 100 0g 0mg 20mg 26g 24g 0g 0g x

^ Servings consumed: Serving size: 1 can

Optional: When did you eat this? - select mealtime - breakfast morning snack lunch afternoon snack dinner evening snack midnight snack pre-workout post-workout Unclassified

Bumble Bee Light Tuna 1.00 90 1g 45mg 380mg 0g 0g 0g 19g x

^ Servings consumed: Serving size: 1 pouch

Optional: When did you eat this? - select mealtime - breakfast morning snack lunch afternoon snack dinner evening snack midnight snack pre-workout post-workout Unclassified

Toasteds Whole Wheat Crackers 1.00 80 4g 0mg 160mg 10g 1g 0g 1g x

^ Servings consumed: Serving size: 5 crackers

Optional: When did you eat this? - select mealtime - breakfast morning snack lunch afternoon snack dinner evening snack midnight snack pre-workout post-workout Unclassified

Ground Turkey (Cooked) 2.00 320 16g 160mg 0mg 0g 0g 0g 44g x

^ Servings consumed: Serving size: 4oz

Optional: When did you eat this? - select mealtime - breakfast morning snack lunch afternoon snack dinner evening snack midnight snack pre-workout post-workout Unclassified

Mixed Vegetables 1.25 75 1g 0mg 69mg 15g 5g 4g 4g x

^ Servings consumed: Serving size: 2/3 Cup

Optional: When did you eat this? - select mealtime - breakfast morning snack lunch afternoon snack dinner evening snack midnight snack pre-workout post-workout Unclassified

IGA Orange Juice 1.00 120 0g 0mg 0mg 29g 28g 0g 1g x

^ Servings consumed: Serving size: 8 fl oz

Optional: When did you eat this? - select mealtime - breakfast morning snack lunch afternoon snack dinner evening snack midnight snack pre-workout post-workout Unclassified

Fitness Minutes Calories Burned Distance Heart Rate

Add your physical activity/exercise for July 6th, 2008!

Click totals for charts! Totals: 1,037 32g 280mg 1,114mg 84g 60g 4g 103g

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I have to agree with the others... for the amount of exercise you are doing, you are not eating enough calories.

I am in the same boat as you... 2 weeks with no loss, but suddenly I dropped 2lbs yesterday.

This is actually a revelation for myself as well (I just posted about this on my blog last night) I have been working out as my trainer had originally set up my program, goal being to lose weight. (guess I have to see him again and get a new plan done up)

for example. according to my "sparkpeople" calculations, yesterday I burned my entire weeks calories and then some, just by going golfing and playing beach volleyball. It was 2x what I ate in calories for the day. this will put the body into starvation mode and hang onto the pounds for awhile.

the guideline for those with band is 30 min a day... when I go to the gym, I am there for 2 hours. Are we still in the "old" frame of dieting mind?

take heart, it will drop... just hang onto the non-scale victories!

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Lisa I love what you wrote and I second that. Phoenix where did you get this data on her food choices. It looks like a great way to add up what you've eaten easily. Can you share where you got this to help all of us out who are still struggling to get an accurate way to total calories for the day?

And Mona all I can say is :lb4:

Stay true to what you are eating and the weight will come off. I think the fact of eating too little is maybe your problem when it was laid out the way Phoenix did it. Don't beat yourself up because you know you are making the right food choices!!

I wish I could reach out and give you a big old hug.

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I use thedailyplate.com I found another nice one while looking for "office miles" on a calorie burner.

You search for a food you eat, whether it's an artichoke or a Muscle Milk light protein shake, click on it and add it to your food intake.

I set my calorie goal at 1100 (cool feature) and it will track exercise, too.

I can't say I've been using it long. I only started on Monday when I read that keeping a food journal helps so much to reach your weight loss goals.

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I use thedailyplate.com I found another nice one while looking for "office miles" on a calorie burner.

You search for a food you eat, whether it's an artichoke or a Muscle Milk light protein shake, click on it and add it to your food intake.

I set my calorie goal at 1100 (cool feature) and it will track exercise, too.

I can't say I've been using it long. I only started on Monday when I read that keeping a food journal helps so much to reach your weight loss goals.

Thanks so much Phoenix. I'm going to look at this sight right now.

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Oh, Mona! I know you are discouraged! Everyone else's suggestions were excellent, especially the one about calling Dr. Miranda. In fact, I would copy and paste your post from here into an email to her. Tell her that you will be calling her. Then when you call her, she should have the reference close.

Lots of hugs and reassurance,


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Oh Mona! I know how frustrating it is! I have been stuck for almost a month now with no weight loss and I only eat 1200 calories a day. I think our bodies just get used to what we are eating and it stops losing. I have kicked my calories up some and I am hoping I will lose some more. We will get through this!

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Kim I am confused, you are losing!! On July 4th you said you were at 190 and your ticker says 186, so you are losing silly!!

Mona- are you drinking enough water?? Part of getting the fat out of your system is flushing out the buildup left over after the fat from one's fat cells has been converted into expendable energy... Water is very important!

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Kim I am confused, you are losing!! On July 4th you said you were at 190 and your ticker says 186, so you are losing silly!!

Mona- are you drinking enough water?? Part of getting the fat out of your system is flushing out the buildup left over after the fat from one's fat cells has been converted into expendable energy... Water is very important!

I would say, on average, I drink at least 3 flavored water bottles per day. That would be in addition to my protein shake. THink I should do more?

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Oh, Mona! I know you are discouraged! Everyone else's suggestions were excellent, especially the one about calling Dr. Miranda. In fact, I would copy and paste your post from here into an email to her. Tell her that you will be calling her. Then when you call her, she should have the reference close.

Lots of hugs and reassurance,


You knjow, that is exactly what I am going to do because at this point, I don't know what the heck to eat. Also, I think I am going to take a copy if that to the fill doctor I am going to next week. Maybe I can get a diet plan. I'm someone who needs a diet plan. Jot just, eat 3 servings of this or 3 servings of that, I need real menus. I am just so confused on what to eat.

Thanks everyone for your comments and suggestions. Especially Phoenix for all that research you did, you are so sweet and helpful to me. I really appreciate that. And Lisa, you too are right. The pants ARE big. I even tried on some of the 24's that were my sisters and they are tight, but I got them closed. Course, I couldn't breathe, but I got them closed. I am also anxious to step on a differnet scale. Maybe mine is crap! ANd I could see that since my life revolves around crap, LOL!

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I definitely think you should be drinking more. Especially with the amount of walking you are doing. Without water, you have no way to flush the toxins out of your body...

Don't get upset because of the scale. Remember, we are all in this for the long haul. Don't get hung up on numbers or allow them to drive how you feel. You are doing great - and it sounds like you have definitely lost inches. Maybe you should put the scale away for a couple of weeks and focus on inches and clothing. That will give you a better outlook.

Hang in there, we are all rooting for your continued success!!!


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