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A little discouraging

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I was looking at pictures last night from my engagement party that I had this past Saturday. Well, according to the scale at the doctors office, I've lost 21lbs (as of a week ago yesterday). But I just don't see it in the pictures. Everyone keeps telling me how they can tell that I've lost some weight. Most of them who are saying that don't know I had the surgery done. But seeing those pictures still bummed me out I guess. I dunno why but I figured I'd be able to tell a difference and I couldn't. Also, my pants are getting so big on me. My belt is on my last hole. I mean they are falling down pretty bad, yet I went to the store to try on a pair of size 40 jeans (I have all 44's from pre-surgery), the 40's were tight still. I thought I lost enough weight to wear a 40 but I guess I didn't. I guess that was a little bit of a let down. I'm only 2 weeks into surgery so I can't expect much but losing 21lbs made me think that was a huge step but it just doesn't feel like it. Sorry for the rant. lol Just letting off some stress.

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Our bodies don't have that much "play" in them.

Those of us with two X chromosomes know we can do 4 or 5 pounds every month of bloat, it comes and it goes. Add to that 8 pounds of weight loss and you're looking at 12 pounds of play.

Our skin doesn't shrink that fast. It simply can't. There will be weeks your scale doesn't move, but your body still shrinks. It's still busy catching up.

If the 40s are on sale, go right ahead and buy them. They'll fit, but give your body a little more shrink time.

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Hi, this is also my 2nd week of being bandded,my son and I were done the same time . We keep going up and down with our weight, everybody tells me it's all the SODIUM that is in the soup and that is true,but it is still discouraging,but I weight 302 and at my size I have to lose a lot of weight for it to really show.I've lost 45lbs in the last year and just bearly notice it. But from what everybody says on here and what I have read we won't really lose much weight until we get our fills,so just hang in there,and good luck.


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Don't get discouraged. The fact that your pants size is down shows that you are indeed losing fat. The post op diet for me was very difficult because I saw others just dropping weight like mad and I was going up and down. My weight loss didn't really start until I went on solids. Now I am about to have my first fill and am looking forward to increasing control. This is a long process.

Keep in mind that we always seem to look fatter in pictures. You know this is true cause we all think "OMG am I really that fat"! If you really want to see a difference compare the picture with an old one before you lost 21 pounds. You will be amazed.

Keep up the good work! 21 pounds is a huge amount.


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Please don't get discouraged. You have a long road ahead of you and the weight will come off and it will show soon. Hang in there buddy..you are doing great! ><'

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I did the same thing.... took pix before surgery and then again just recently and I can't see a difference.

Maybe we're just too hard on ourselves? Hubby says he can see a difference, but he know's there'll be a penelty if he's not nice. ;)

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Keep in mind that cameras are taking a 3 dimensional image and compressing it to a 2 dimensional image. It's the same reason people say the camera puts on 10 pounds. There's also lighting, posture, and how much your clothes are flattering your figure from one photo to the other. There IS a difference but the camera is a poor judge.

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If your clothing is getting bigger on you, then you are losing and obviously your body is changing....I couldn't see a difference myself either, but when I posted them and showed them to friends of mine (who are brutally honest), they did she a change.

Show the pics to someone else, I bet they see a difference.

You are doing great, chin up and keep up the great work!!!


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Another point - take a look at some of the pictures that people posting thinking that they didn't look like they had lost weight.... They looked awesome and we could see it, it was sooo obvious!! Sometimes its hard to see the weight loss in yourself - thats why its smart to listen to others.

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Lisal is right, I couldn't see a difference either. Then posted my pictures in the gallery and everyone here said they could see the differnce. I started at 303 pounds and am proud to say that I am under 250 now. My pants and shirts hang on me, didn't think I could fit into a smaller size, had to find pants to fit and went from a size 32 down to a size 24. What a fun life this is, the lap band has truly been a god send for me. Just give your body a chance to catch up with the weight loss. Buy pants if they are on sale and you will try them on one day soon and they will fit.

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Do not get discouraged. I know I am losing weight because the scale says so and clothes are loose. However I do not see it in the mirrow. You know it is happening and so do I. Our brains do not see the change but it does not change the fact we are on our way to a healthier life.

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I really appreciate everyone talking me through this. I understand what everyone is saying and I'm trying to keep that in my head. Well, today I got a little anxious to weigh myself b/c I normally wait until I go back to the weight management center where I go every other Tuesday. So I weighed myself here at work and according to our scale I've lost 9 more pounds since 2 tuesdays ago. Now I don't know how close this scale is compared to the scale at the WMC but I guess I must have lost something so that's encouraging. I'm now down below 300. Which is a huge step for me. I haven't been below 300 in 3 or 4 years probably. So that helped out a lot. Again, thank you to everyone who helped me out here. I really appreciate it.

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Think about all the places on your body you've gained weight. If you're like me, my toes are fat, my legs, butt, tummy, back, arms, and face gained weight. That 21 lbs is coming off of your entire body, not just your waist, so it will take a bit to really notice it for yourself as you see yourself every day. Before long, you'll have an epiphany that your shoes have to be tied tighter or that your collared shirt buttons easier around the neck and you'll know you're getting there!

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Funny that I had a conversation with my husband last night. I told him that a neighbor I spent the afternoon with didn't notice that I am down 25 pounds. We have come to the conclusion that the more you weigh, the more you need to loose for it to show. When you are closer to your goal weight, 30 pounds will show up in a hugh way.

I am very impressed with you for losing so much already, you are really doing a great job getting ready for surgery.

I am going for my first fill tomorrow. Because of what I have read on this forum, I kept telling myself during "Bandster Hell" that the band doesn't start doing it's job until I get the right fill(s).

Keep up the good work, I am proud of you and I don't even know you!

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