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Today I was out and about running errands and the kid wanted McDonald's for lunch, so I caved. I haven't been to McDonalds in 2 1/2 months. Before the band, I would have ordered a Quarter Pounder w/Cheese and Large Fry...today I ordered a cheeseburger. A McDonald's cheeseburger is 300 calories. I had a few fries from the kids and ate about 2/3 of the cheeseburger and I was full.

I was able to keep the calorie intake within my daily and have room for a healthy dinner!

I LOVE MY BAND!!! And I don't even have a fill yet, 6 weeks later!??!!

Thanks for letting me share!

Cathy ;):D:P

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Good for you! :D

Fast food used to be my weakness and now I don't touch the stuff! LOL

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I am trying not to, either...I have been doing so well, I treated myself today.

I am a junk food junkie and 2 1/2 months without is amazing for me...if I can have a McDonald's cheeseburger every 2 1/2 months, I am succeeding!!

Thanks Kim,


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Today I was out and about running errands and the kid wanted McDonald's for lunch, so I caved. I haven't been to McDonalds in 2 1/2 months. Before the band, I would have ordered a Quarter Pounder w/Cheese and Large Fry...today I ordered a cheeseburger. A McDonald's cheeseburger is 300 calories. I had a few fries from the kids and ate about 2/3 of the cheeseburger and I was full.

I was able to keep the calorie intake within my daily and have room for a healthy dinner!

I LOVE MY BAND!!! And I don't even have a fill yet, 6 weeks later!??!!

Thanks for letting me share!

Cathy ;):D:P

THAT ROCKS Kitty!!!!! A true NSV!!!!!!!!!!! YAY FOR YOU! I had a bite of my hubby's burger just to test the water and one onion ring. I wanted to see how my body would react. BLECHT! I think I'm degreased thoroughly because all I could taste was grease! My tongue felt like it was coated. I think I'm cured of my cheeseburger addiction. hehe

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Meeee tooooo!! Just a few minutes ago I was a very bad girl. I ate two bites of pizza and my band (not so politely) said "No!No!!" No more pizza!!!!

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FANTASTIC. See, this is EXACTLY the kind of experience and weight loss aid I've been looking for! I can't wait till I'm back on normal foods again, to see what foods will "work" for me, and which ones won't.

I tellya, I've been off of my "normal" diet & old regimen since June 30, and I am STILL craving fried chicken of some sort. McNuggets, a KFC Twister Wrap, chicken strips from J. Alexander, SOMETHING. Very strange... I'm not craving anything else but that!

But good for you on your McDonald's experience! That Scottish food'll kill ya.

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Meeee tooooo!! Just a few minutes ago I was a very bad girl. I ate two bites of pizza and my band (not so politely) said "No!No!!" No more pizza!!!!

Hi Blazn, I tried a bite or two of pizza last night and some chicken wings and they were more work than they were worth...chewing like crazy really ruins it.

I think I am off pizza too!


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My son got his every other week trip to McDonalds this afternoon (see this is where I went wrong in the past, I used to eat there 2-3 times per WEEK myself but only allowed him to go there every other Saturday,lol)

Today I had just finshed a bottle of the peach-mango Isopure about 30 min before and I really had no desire to eat anything while there... even the smell of it made me a little sick, I did get a sweet tea, but only drank abotu 1/2 of it because the sugar was giving me a headache.

I love my Band too!

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I know what you guys mean. The only fast food I can have is either 1) Wendy's Chili, which is good anyway or 2) fries but they take so much work to eat, I usually get tired after about 5 of them..... Not only am I not eating that crap anymore, but I am not spending the $ on it either! Nice!

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Hi all,

I am so excited to hear about the positive affects that the band has on fast food addictions. I have my surgery scheduled for Sept 4th and I'll soon be starting my pre-op diet. Fast food has always been my weakness and I'm to the point where my body gives me subtle hints that I shouldn't be eating the crap!! :wacko:

I'm so glad to hear that others with the same addiction are getting relief from it! I've been reading through all of the posts on this forum and you have all been so helpful in answering my questions and calming any concerns that I've kept to myself. I am looking forward to eventually being a contributing member of the forum once I've got my band. I'm so excited that I haven't been able to sleep at night. I lye awake thinking of how different my life will be once I gain control over my eating habits. Thanks for letting me get that out!


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Hi all,

I am so excited to hear about the positive affects that the band has on fast food addictions. I have my surgery scheduled for Sept 4th and I'll soon be starting my pre-op diet. Fast food has always been my weakness and I'm to the point where my body gives me subtle hints that I shouldn't be eating the crap!! :wacko:

I'm so glad to hear that others with the same addiction are getting relief from it! I've been reading through all of the posts on this forum and you have all been so helpful in answering my questions and calming any concerns that I've kept to myself. I am looking forward to eventually being a contributing member of the forum once I've got my band. I'm so excited that I haven't been able to sleep at night. I lye awake thinking of how different my life will be once I gain control over my eating habits. Thanks for letting me get that out!


Hi Christina, good for you...you have the date booked, that's a huge accomplishment...you will do great!

I was scared that I would not be able to control my addiction to junk food too...but I eat well 99% of the time and have a treat once in awhile. That's how I will succeed. I have given up diet coke and I'm okay with that now. I do not feel deprived at all, and that's the kicker for me. If I feel deprived, I will fail.

Best of luck and if you have any questions at all, just ask, we are here for you now and later!!!


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:lb9: Christina!!

Glad you spoke up. You are welcome here to ask ANY question you may have. One bit of pre-op advice is to try and not think the end of eating is coming and to overeat those fattening things you love thinking this will be the last time I can have it. You can even start your pre-op eating plan a little early, maybe just by eating 3 healthy meals a day and no junk as soon as today. Then little by little modify it until the 2-3 weeks before your surgery and then follow the recommended plan by the letter. Just a thought.

I too love reading others victories. It's why I come here everyday like a religion. It keeps me motivated.

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Today I was out and about running errands and the kid wanted McDonald's for lunch, so I caved. I haven't been to McDonalds in 2 1/2 months. Before the band, I would have ordered a Quarter Pounder w/Cheese and Large Fry...today I ordered a cheeseburger. A McDonald's cheeseburger is 300 calories. I had a few fries from the kids and ate about 2/3 of the cheeseburger and I was full.

I was able to keep the calorie intake within my daily and have room for a healthy dinner!

I LOVE MY BAND!!! And I don't even have a fill yet, 6 weeks later!??!!

Thanks for letting me share!

Cathy ;):D:P

What willpower and way to work your band Cathy!!!! :yahoo:

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:lb9: Christina!!

Glad you spoke up. You are welcome here to ask ANY question you may have. One bit of pre-op advice is to try and not think the end of eating is coming and to overeat those fattening things you love thinking this will be the last time I can have it. You can even start your pre-op eating plan a little early, maybe just by eating 3 healthy meals a day and no junk as soon as today. Then little by little modify it until the 2-3 weeks before your surgery and then follow the recommended plan by the letter. Just a thought.

I too love reading others victories. It's why I come here everyday like a religion. It keeps me motivated.

Hi Julie

Thanks for the suggestions!! I realized that I was thinking just the way you described... like every meal would be my last time of ever having some of my favorite foods... stinking thinking!!! Anyway I've decided to start the liquid shakes now and have 1 meal for dinner. I'm starting about 6 weeks before the surgery but I'd rather get on track now and get ahead start on loosing the weight before the big day. Today is actually my first day on the shakes and I'm about to go have lunch. Its going to be weird to drink it rather then actually have food lol!!

Wish me luck!

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Hi Christina, good for you...you have the date booked, that's a huge accomplishment...you will do great!

I was scared that I would not be able to control my addiction to junk food too...but I eat well 99% of the time and have a treat once in awhile. That's how I will succeed. I have given up diet coke and I'm okay with that now. I do not feel deprived at all, and that's the kicker for me. If I feel deprived, I will fail.

Best of luck and if you have any questions at all, just ask, we are here for you now and later!!!


Hi Cathy,

I appreciate the support, its been SOOO helpful!!!


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Congrats on your decision! I found that if I really wanted to chew something for meals on the pre op diet, I simply at a glucerna meal bar instead of a shake. The chocolate peanut ones taste like an extra chewy reeses cup. It is something that worked for me.


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