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Yes, it is OK to be scared! I got banded on 8.21.06 and I have no regrets whatsoever. Dr. Ortiz and his staff are excellent and the whole experience is definitely life-changing. I have a thyroid disease and have been trying to keep weight off for almost a decade myself. I'm down 17 pounds and did not gain any back last week when introducing solids back into my diet so I guess something is working! Recovery from the surgery itself is very fast (at least it was for me) and I am back to my regular routine. In fact, I have more energy now on a lower calorie diet than pre-band.

I can understand why anyone would be apprehensive about the surgery. I was. I think reading these boards and understanding the process as much as possible is the key. I liked the fact that it was totally reversible and didn't rewire my insides. I would do it again in a heartbeat.


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Thanks for the quick response, this definately helps. I guess in a way you kinda get used to yourself being fat when you have been for 26 years.

tuesdaythecat - Just think of the next 26 years of good health and beyond. Forget the fear. I'm scheduled for surgery and can understand. Hey we all get fearful - nothing new - but for example if you have a fear of public speaking once it's over you feel great. If you can focus on the you after the surgery. It can be a very exciting prospect. This is an opportunity that many would love to have and just think we are going to actually get to do it. Yiiippppeeee!


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