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More Recovery Time For Higher BMI Patients

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Hello Band Fans,

I am 43, male and currently my BMI is 53. As I have mentioned my Band Date is Oct. 16. It would stand to reason that a person with a higher BMI would take longer to heal than one with a lower BMI. Is this fact or fiction?

If a male my age was banded and in the same physical circumstance as I with lets say a 35 BMI would we recuperate at a analogous rate or does an increase in body mass augment the healing time?

Any well-informed thought would be valued. Scheduling time off work and this came to mind during the course of preparation.

This is such a great forum to "band" together. Ohh I knew it .... the bad puns are going to start "filling" my head in anticipation.


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I don't know about higher BMI specifically but when I went in for a pre-surgury exam with my doc up here, he did several blood tests for things which would exclude me from the surgury or extend recovery time. Turns out my iron and B12 levels were low, which could increase my healing time, but easily supplemented pre-op. Of course, having a higher BMI would put someone more at risk for those types of dificiencies but I've never heard of just having a high BMI being a problem to much of a problem.

Course I'm not a doctor, that's just what I've experienced so far. If you're really concerned about, call the clinic down there because they do this all the time, or your doctor up here since s/he knows your history. :)

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I don't know about higher BMI specifically but when I went in for a pre-surgury exam with my doc up here, he did several blood tests for things which would exclude me from the surgury or extend recovery time. Turns out my iron and B12 levels were low, which could increase my healing time, but easily supplemented pre-op. Of course, having a higher BMI would put someone more at risk for those types of dificiencies but I've never heard of just having a high BMI being a problem to much of a problem.

Course I'm not a doctor, that's just what I've experienced so far. If you're really concerned about, call the clinic down there because they do this all the time, or your doctor up here since s/he knows your history. :)

Clynn, Good information. Like you I had a full physical 2 weeks ago. All was well accept for obesity issue. Waiting for blood tests to come back. Will keep an eye out for B12 and iron levels.

Thanks - Kevin

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I just had my suregry on the 29th of September.

I think my BMI is 56.4 and I can tell you that my recovery time was really well.

I was up and walking around quicker then the some of the patients. I was the heaviest one there

I think.

The pain isn't bad, unless you focus on it. I think that you will do fine, as long as you follow all of Dr. Miranda's pre-op guidelines.

I went to Costco on Saturday, the day after surgery. Went home Sunday and I dropped my daughter off

at school this morning. I will return to work tomorrow.

Good luck to you!

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ok... this is what I found out:

Same healing time...The more preop weightloss the faster the recovery...usually hours and not days...

So... it sounds like lower and higher BMI heal at about the same rate - but the more pre-op weightloss a higher BMI patient has - the better the recovery period. My guess is because you lose abdominal fat which makes the surgery easier for the doctor and easier on you... hence a quicker recovery.

Honestly from what I've seen and heard, most recovery pretty quickly. Its more about how you handle the anesthesia than almost anything else.

Again, I'm no expert... well kinda - hahaha - but I'm not a doctor :)

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ok... this is what I found out:

Same healing time...The more preop weightloss the faster the recovery...usually hours and not days...

So... it sounds like lower and higher BMI heal at about the same rate - but the more pre-op weightloss a higher BMI patient has - the better the recovery period. My guess is because you lose abdominal fat which makes the surgery easier for the doctor and easier on you... hence a quicker recovery.

Honestly from what I've seen and heard, most recovery pretty quickly. Its more about how you handle the anesthesia than almost anything else.

Again, I'm no expert... well kinda - hahaha - but I'm not a doctor :)

Thank you

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hmmmm Physicain in training...sounds like a title I could live with hahahaha or maybe Band Goddess :lol:

I love it when you guys ask questions that I need to go to the top for... its a learning experience for me as well :)

CalKev - sounds like you are doing GREAT - keep it up... or rather down :)

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