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Less than a week...now not feeling well

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Does anyone know if they will still preform surgery if you are sick?? It seems everyone at my office has a cold and i was taking extra vitamins and stuff to not get it, but I woke up with a sore throat today which is always what happens when I get sick. My surgery is next wednesday!! Any suggestions on taking anything to beat this cold out of me?? I really don't want to have to postpone the surgery. I think it is just a cold...but not sure. Any help would be great!! Thanks.

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maybe you should not say anything about being sick :rolleyes:

Thanks Heidi, I am not full on sick, just got that tickle in the back of my throat that feels like I could get sick. I am trying to be positive, taking vitamins and anything else that will ward it off until I get back home. Any suggestions on anything to take??

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Thanks Heidi, I am not full on sick, just got that tickle in the back of my throat that feels like I could get sick. I am trying to be positive, taking vitamins and anything else that will ward it off until I get back home. Any suggestions on anything to take??

Sorry you aren't feeling well. My hubby's remedy is Vitamin C and Echanesia when he gets that tickle and it works for him every single time. He's never sick.

Hope that helps!


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Thanks Jann. I have been taking those fizzy vit c, and the cold FX, that usually works for me too. But anything else I can do to shake (at least till after the procedure). I will have to get some echansaia (bad spelling!!).

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There is a bad cold going around. I got one 2 weeks prior to surgery and tried to treat it with theraflu, vitamin c etc. After 5 days I realized it wasn't working and went to the Doc. You might want to do that! I had to take Augmentin to kick mine, I had a sore throat, runny nose, etc.

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I strongly recommend "EmergenC" powder packets, and yes I use Airborne as well. I don't care what the media says I use these 2 and it seems to help. I take one every 3 or 4 hours while awake. Also zinc is good for the sore throat. they sell lozenges. And of course the most important thing is to drink lots of WATER!! Like 100 oz if ou can. It will help flush out your system and the bugs. Don't run to the Dr's office too quickly, antibiotics are way overprescribed and usually it seems like they work only because the lifetime of the virus has come and gone by the time you get them. Virus's don't need antibiotics. And I would not say a thing to anyone at the OCC beforehand. Wait until your day of surgery and then be honest with your symptoms if you have them. As long as you don't have a high fever, if you get one go to the Dr. asap, it should be fine.


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