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Band experts, please help!

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Hello all,

I just had robotically assisted prolapse surgery 4 days ago and am suffering with severe shoulder pain and sometimes chest pain when sitting in a chair. I was tilted head down for over 4 hours during surgery and so I know alot shifted inside me. I haven't called the doc yet and have just been suffering. I have no appetite(good thing), but do eat my protein to survive.

Does anyone have any clue at all if this suffering could be band related? Like maybe the band itself or something shifted and is causing pressure in there or pinching a nerve or something? I just don't know and am feeling so down and sick and in so much pain. Yes, I will call the doctor, but thought I would ask here first just in case.

Thanks for any and all replies or suggestions.



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From one Judy to another!

Sorry you are in pain...most definitely call the doctor ASAP, don't wait to get the help you need now. I am wondering if it is 'gas' you may be experiencing?

Thanks Judy. Nope. That's what I thought too, but passing enough of that. I will call the doc for sure.

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Hi Judy.. I'm sorry I don't have any idea and my guess would have been gas as well. But..if it's not gas, sounds like you've already made the right decision to call your doc. Take Care... Anita

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Hello Judy,

I've had several surgeries since having my band - my extended tummy tuck surgery was over 6 hours. One thing I noticed is that since they pump you up full of fluids you really swell badly and your band gets really tight. It is painful - but I drank lots of fluids and it did go away. Good luck but don't delay too long if you don't start feeling better soon!



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I was banded 4 months ago and had wicked shoulder pain and rib pain for about 4 days, even when I expelled gas, it was still there. They pump you full of air during the laproscopic surgery and it took days for me to get rid of it....if it doesn't pass in a day or two, call the doctor.

Take care and walk and sip.

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Dear Judy:

I am glad you are through with your surgery. It is very common to have what's called "referred" pain. the chest and shoulder areas are very common to have pain in after any type of surgery. To make it simple the nerve pathways all override and you end up getting the pain in that area because of it but I can't really explain it all that well. I do know it is fairly common especially with surgeries like the one you had. I hope you have spoked to your doctor by know for some reassurance. It can be miserable but as painful as you are walking (whatever you can do just inside your house even, pace around) will help. Movement of the whole body in this fashion works miracles.

Feel better soon and


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><' Thank you so much everyone! You all are such great support and a blessing to me with my whining and occasional misery. I thought for sure my band was in danger, but since I can still eat ok when I have a little appettite, then my band must be ok.

This morning I woke up with no sign of shoulder pain and passed alot of gas. I hope it stays that way all day. Ohhh yeah, that would be soooo nice. I still have some congestion in my chest(yes doing my breathing exercises), and my throat is almost back to normal. Was very painful from the second day after surgery. Hardly had a voice.

Wow Lisa! A 6 hr. surgery! I think I may have died from that one since I felt I almost did after a 4 hr surgery. I had a very severe reaction I think from the anesthesia after waking up in recovery. Probably from almost standing on my head through it and so on. I had severe shakes, chills, high fever, etc. Was awful. I couldn't open my eyes for a long time because it felt like I had sticks or pebbles in them, they hurt so much. I remember clenching my teeth really hard and my mouth hurt for a while after that. I was such a mess, but am getting better now. Whew!

Take care all and again thanks so much for you support. ><' =D>



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