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First fill coming up

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I'm scheduled to get my first fill in three weeks. What is kind of bothering me about what 'm reading on this forum is the (average) amount of fills most people need. I have no money to spend on lots of fills ( was laid off almost two years ago and cashed in my dwindling 401K to get the band) and am worrying if I'll have $ to get lots of fills. I really want (who doesn't) success with no more a fill or two. I know, I know, everyone is different. I'm just venting. Thanks for listening.

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You may not need several fills. Just work the heck out of the band and your fills. I have only had 2 fills and have lost 53 lbs and am 15 lbs away from goal. Don't forget to EXCERSISE!!

You can do it with 2!!!

WOW! you are an inspiration! What do you mean by working the heck out of the band and fills?

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Yes...Kim says it right! When you get your fills, start right away to stay with the guidelines of eating and exercise more than ever. By the time for your next fill, you will get a more "sweeter spot" and you will have a more perfect fill. ]

As I mentioned in my post yesterday, your first fill is like a 'primer' to get you really ready for losing the weight. Well, the band had a fill now YOU need to do your work. You eat within the guideslines, which is 3oz meat, 1/4 cup veggie, 1/4 cup of grain/carb/fruit per meal, 3 x a day and no more than 1200 calories a day. Plan your exercises every day. I walk every day and then do the light aerobics 3 times a week. Since I just had my surgery last month, I can't do any hard core abs yet...but I can do simple, easy twisting, stretching, etc.

My plan is when I get my fills, go on the full liquids for the three days and then exercise like crazy! So far it's working!

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