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Day 4 post-op and no hunger - minimum liquid intake?


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Hi all,

I am on day 4 post-op, and blessed to have little to no hunger. However, I do have some feelings of emptiness or pain in my stomach which I can't decide is due to hunger or gas pain. Haven't figured out the signals yet. Anyway, I have consumed very little in the way of water or any other liquid since having my surgery. Is there a minimum amount of intake I should be aiming for, in spite of not being hungry? E.g a certain number of glasses of water, a certain amount of broth, juice, etc.? As much as I'm grateful for my low appetite (how often in life have I experienced that), it's causing me constipation and low blood sugar, and I want to give my body optimal nutrients for its healing.

Or am I being overly obsessive?



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I think you are being very normal for being freshly banded, you worry about everything regarding the band. That's normal.

As far as how much liquid you must force yourself to sip almost all the time. Shoot for 4 ounces at a time slowly and try to get up to 64 ounces day.

Yes that's alot but you need to be hydrated.

And you will experience "different" feelings in your tummy, whether it be gas or hunger pains in a different way. It's normal too.

Hang in there and remember to "Sip, sip, sip"!

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I think you are being very normal for being freshly banded, you worry about everything regarding the band. That's normal.

As far as how much liquid you must force yourself to sip almost all the time. Shoot for 4 ounces at a time slowly and try to get up to 64 ounces day.

Yes that's alot but you need to be hydrated.

And you will experience "different" feelings in your tummy, whether it be gas or hunger pains in a different way. It's normal too.

Hang in there and remember to "Sip, sip, sip"!

Thanks Julie!

I'm going to aim for more water, but man, it's hard to drink anything! I feel so bloated and full, with all that pressure in my chest and stomach. Today is not a great day for me, painwise, compared to yesterday.

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Thanks Julie!

I'm going to aim for more water, but man, it's hard to drink anything! I feel so bloated and full, with all that pressure in my chest and stomach. Today is not a great day for me, painwise, compared to yesterday.

Are you walking? I mean taking several, mini walks? This will help with your gas bubbles. Also, sip liquids every chance you can get ~ protein water is your friend now. Don't chug-a-lug or swallow big...your throat will hurt. AND, don't sit for too long of a period of time either...which makes the gas bubbles just moan and groan a lot too.
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Are you walking? I mean taking several, mini walks? This will help with your gas bubbles. Also, sip liquids every chance you can get ~ protein water is your friend now. Don't chug-a-lug or swallow big...your throat will hurt. AND, don't sit for too long of a period of time either...which makes the gas bubbles just moan and groan a lot too.

I've been getting up and walking periodically throughout the day, but no success at all in getting the gas to go down. :(( It just continues to collect in a ball in my stomach. Last time I passed any gas was a little this morning upon waking. Constipated too :(

At most, I've been able to consume something like 3 glasses of liquid today, which included my water, liquid vitamins, chicken broth, and a bit of gatorade. That was all my stomach could handle. It just hurt too much otherwise, and I'm afraid of stretching my pouch. A catch 22 situation, as I know I need the fluids to help push the gas down and get the bm going. Not to mention, to hydrate myself, but the gatorade has been helping with that so far.

I am really looking forward to feeling normal again!

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Hi Vangirl!

Sorry, I already forgot your name! Anyway, I know everyone is different, but let's just say that I end up with the pain you are having on day 4 post-op. Do you think doing my job would still be possible? I'm scheduled to return to work on day 4 post-op. This will require:

-driving there 40 minutes to and from

-sitting in the booth for seven hours

-talking live on the air every ten minutes for that seven hours

My job is not physically demanding at all...in fact, it is the opposite. I have to be in this booth for seven hours straight and sometimes don't have time to pee. The reason I didn't book off any more time is that I really wanted to keep busy to make the next 21 days go by faster. Based on how you are feeling (and I'm hoping I won't feel as bad) do you think you could perform the above duties? I'm starting to re-think my decision.


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Remember that liquids to not stretch your pouch. I had terrible bloating/gas for about 3 weeks. Be sure you are drinking liquids ALL day. special k makes a great protein water you can buy by the bottle or little packs to put in your won water. It's work I know but it WILL get better. Phazyme worked wonders for me! Time is the best healer in this situation, it will all be worth it.

Good luck and keep us posted on how you are feeling.

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Hi Vangirl!

Sorry, I already forgot your name! Anyway, I know everyone is different, but let's just say that I end up with the pain you are having on day 4 post-op. Do you think doing my job would still be possible? I'm scheduled to return to work on day 4 post-op. This will require:

-driving there 40 minutes to and from

-sitting in the booth for seven hours

-talking live on the air every ten minutes for that seven hours

My job is not physically demanding at all...in fact, it is the opposite. I have to be in this booth for seven hours straight and sometimes don't have time to pee. The reason I didn't book off any more time is that I really wanted to keep busy to make the next 21 days go by faster. Based on how you are feeling (and I'm hoping I won't feel as bad) do you think you could perform the above duties? I'm starting to re-think my decision.



I am 16 days post op today. I know everyone is different but I was banded on a Friday and returned to work on a Thursday. I am like you, I sit all day at a desk and type. It is not a good thing. I hurt so bad when I got home. Sitting straight up like to have killed me, then when I did stand up, I felt like I was going to tear in half. The next day was not much better. Monday when I had to return to work, I was much better. I would HIGHLY suggest liquid Tylnol before you even leave for work. Good Luck and hope this helps!

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Hi Vangirl!

Sorry, I already forgot your name! Anyway, I know everyone is different, but let's just say that I end up with the pain you are having on day 4 post-op. Do you think doing my job would still be possible? I'm scheduled to return to work on day 4 post-op. This will require:

-driving there 40 minutes to and from

-sitting in the booth for seven hours

-talking live on the air every ten minutes for that seven hours

My job is not physically demanding at all...in fact, it is the opposite. I have to be in this booth for seven hours straight and sometimes don't have time to pee. The reason I didn't book off any more time is that I really wanted to keep busy to make the next 21 days go by faster. Based on how you are feeling (and I'm hoping I won't feel as bad) do you think you could perform the above duties? I'm starting to re-think my decision.


Based on how I felt yesterday on day 4, I would have been able to drive, but not do the other things on the list. Day 4 was worse than Day 3, partly because I wasn't on painkillers, but also because the gas bothered me more that day. I'd be concerned about sitting for that long a period of time (getting up and walking frequently is important for the gas) as well as the talking. I find that I get winded easily due to my diaphram and lungs being affected after the surgery. My job involves a lot of talking and mental concentration, where I have to be 'on' for an hour at a time and completely focused on someone else. For this reason, I am only doing a very graduated, part-time return to work starting on Day 8. I am actually concerned that that may be too early, but it's only for one hour on Thurs. and one hour on Fri., so I should be able to get through it. However, I can only speak from my experience. Yours may be different.

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