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Fat on stomach and back

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Okay, so I have a problem that I must vent about and also I thought maybe some of you fellow bandsters could help me out. I have lost a good amount of weight, and it is definitely noticeable as everyone keeps telling me I am getting 'so skinny'... haha. Here is my problem - despite working out 3 times a week for at LEAST an hour each time, doing cardio for 30 minutes - 40 minutes and lifting for 20 minutes - 30 minutes, I cannot seem to get rid of this stubborn fricking fat in my upper stomach and in my upper/mid back!!! :blink::wacko::angry: I have that gross cottage cheese like fat on my upper and mid stomach... and it will not seem to go away. WTF?!? I mean seriously - what does a girl have to do to get rid of that stuff?? I am doing a lot of lifting that works my shoulders/back muscles (in all areas of back upper mid and low) and I still can't seem to 'thin out' in that area. Also I feel like my ta-tas are droopy and I do chest press to try and build muscle there but... no luck.

Does ANYONE have any suggestions for me?!? I am so frustrated!! :lb12:

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Carrie.... I feel your pain. I don't have a good solution for you. I wanted to congratulate you on your great success though and sounds like you have a great workout program. I hate stubborn fat....it may just take awhile for your body to readjust (not what you wanted to hear I know)

Keep up the great work though. It is bound to pay off.

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Hi Carrie,

Just wondering how old you are? It might have something to do with it or maybe that stuff will be what goes in your last 29 lbs you want to lose. I am pretty close to the same weight you are and am 45 years old.

My middle is definetly thicker now than when I was at this weight when I was 10-15 years younger. Your routine sounds good I would encourage you to continue with your work out schedule. Maybe add another day or 2 of just cardio only to help kick up the fat blasting.

When I was younger, I worked with a personal trainer and one thing we did was "interval" training. It wouldn't be too difficult for you to incorporate something like this into your workout routine and shouldn't add too much, if any, additional time to your work out. How it works is that instead of doing cardio for 40 minutes and then switching to lifting for 30 minutes, incorporate the lifting into the cardio. For example, on a treadmill you would walk for 3-5 minutes as a warm up, then run hard for 3 minutes, then pick up a pair of dumbells and do bicep curls till exhaustion or for 2 minutes, get back on the treadmill and walk fast for 2 minutes, run for 3 minutes and then pick up pair of dumbells and do tricep kick backs for 2 minutes. You can also use a jump rope or other cardio device if you don't have treadmill. I have even used an aerobic step for this. you also don't need dumbells you can use resistance cables too.

If you want more ideas just google interval training workouts and you will find a host of ideas.

Best of luck!! Keep going you are doing wonderful!!

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When I worked with a trainer years ago, she would always have me do this exercise. You know that machine at the gym that you lie down on your stomach and hook your heels under the bar, and do legs curls..well after I do the leg exercises, she would have me keep my heels under the bar and then cross my hands on my chest and lift your body up and hold it. It was hell everytime..lol...not going to lie, but not only does it help with back fat but it also makes your back stronger. Another exercise is, using the bench that you lean on, stomach down, hooking your calves under a bar, lean forward over the tiny bench, and then you can do crunches. I was told it helps your stomach and your back. Good luck :)

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Thanks everyone for your helpful responses!! I appreciate it and I am glad to know I am not the only one who is experiencing difficulty with this. <_< I will try the interval training - - I have heard that its really good... I think I may have read it in a fitness magazine or something. Great idea!!

I also do want to add more cardio - I know thats the best way to blast that nasty fat, but my schedule is so hectic because I work full time, getting my masters degree and have 4 classes, a field placement and then the work that goes along with the classes. SO, but after this semester I will be taking a break. So more time for me :D

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