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Reached target after 7 months

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Hey everyone!

i have been missing for a while due to my busy scheduled(doctoral student, mom and wife). So after 7 months i reached my goal, and i am actually 1 lb under my goal. I believe that my goal weight is higher that what my body actual weight could be, but i am not worried about it since i am looking pretty small. I will need surgery due to my two pregnancies (my daughter was 10 lbs one month early, and my son was 11 lbs 2 weeks early). So here is my story:

I have been normal weight all my life until i got pregnanat about 7 years ago. Since then i have struggle with weight loss. I decided to have the surgery since i was fed up with being overweight and not feeling good in my own body. The band was the best decision that i have ever made. For the first 4 months, i was pretty strict with all i ate and watch all my calories and work out. after that time, i decided that i was going to take it easy and not worried so much since i was only 20 lbs away from goal. I have had 2 fills so far amd yes i reached my sweet spot. I had good and bad days. i reached a plateau around 5 months, but was able to get out of it by alternating my calorie intake. I work out 5 to 6 times a week. I alternate my work out almost daily. About 2 months ago, i started a high intensity step class where i burned around 750 calories.

For all those of you that are starting or near the end, keep it up. you will get there. have a day where you weight in so you dont get obsessed with the scale(i did in the begginnning). do measurements since you might be losing inches instead of weight. if you want to eat your favorite meal, go ahead and have it, but make sure that you cut your calories for the next day so you are not over for the week. Drink plenty of water (80 to 100 oz), and dont drink soda not even when you are allowed. i used to wait the hour after a meal but i was not getting enough water so now i drink 45 min after(it doesnt mean that you shouldnt follow the doc orders).

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WOW that is just awsome. I am glad you posted this today as I was feeling a little depressed this morning. I am at 6 months and have reach that plateau. I have had that obsession with the scale and had my husband hide it and only bring it out on Monday mornings. I drink plenty of water. I excersice everyday either on my treadmill or my ecliptical machine. I guess I need to add my bike to this. I also go out to eat once a week on Saturdays thats my treat. I am down 61lbs and im very happy, I figure slower is better because I know now that its going to stay off for good. Thanks for this post. It has put me in check. I know now that I have to not give up.

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WOW that is just awsome. I am glad you posted this today as I was feeling a little depressed this morning. I am at 6 months and have reach that plateau. I have had that obsession with the scale and had my husband hide it and only bring it out on Monday mornings. I drink plenty of water. I excersice everyday either on my treadmill or my ecliptical machine. I guess I need to add my bike to this. I also go out to eat once a week on Saturdays thats my treat. I am down 61lbs and im very happy, I figure slower is better because I know now that its going to stay off for good. Thanks for this post. It has put me in check. I know now that I have to not give up.

Hey Denise,

Ive been there when you are so frustrated with everything. But trust me your hard work will pay off. everyone is different so it might take you a bit longer but maybe you wont need surgery. 61 lbs is awesome, so keep up the good work :D

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Hey Denise,

Ive been there when you are so frustrated with everything. But trust me your hard work will pay off. everyone is different so it might take you a bit longer but maybe you wont need surgery. 61 lbs is awesome, so keep up the good work :D

Thanks, But with 2 c-sections and a hysterectamy scar I have troubles also in that middle section. I have been using a firming lotion that another bandster told me about and Im hoping its going to help some. Its Vaseline firming lotion.

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thank you. i feel like my old self, just a bit frustrated with the belly area, but i know ill take care of it as soon as i have the money. thanks

That is just fantastic!! You are inspiring me to keep focusing forward. I love you attitude girl! Hope you continue to come here and keep us posted on your progress...

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WOW that is just awsome. I am glad you posted this today as I was feeling a little depressed this morning. I am at 6 months and have reach that plateau. I have had that obsession with the scale and had my husband hide it and only bring it out on Monday mornings. I drink plenty of water. I excersice everyday either on my treadmill or my ecliptical machine. I guess I need to add my bike to this. I also go out to eat once a week on Saturdays thats my treat. I am down 61lbs and im very happy, I figure slower is better because I know now that its going to stay off for good. Thanks for this post. It has put me in check. I know now that I have to not give up.

Denise ~ you are doing an awesome job sweetheart! WTG!

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Thanks, You are not that far behind either my dear.

Thanks Denise! Yes well I've lost a lot in such a short time and I want to slow down a bit and enjoy the holiday season more. I am going to pick up seriously, really seriously, after the new year. On Jan 8, marks my 3 months post op and I can do hard core exercises instead of the low impact and walking I am now doing. I've got the itch soooo bad to do the harder exercises....but I KNOW I need time for the band to heal and adjust to my stomach for another month. I CAN DO THIS! Today marks my 2 month anniversary and I lost another 2 lbs. Tonight I am going to measure myself and take pictures...ugh!! But, I need to do this so I can look back at my old self and compare to the preveious month to inspire myself more!!!

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Thanks Denise! Yes well I've lost a lot in such a short time and I want to slow down a bit and enjoy the holiday season more. I am going to pick up seriously, really seriously, after the new year. On Jan 8, marks my 3 months post op and I can do hard core exercises instead of the low impact and walking I am now doing. I've got the itch soooo bad to do the harder exercises....but I KNOW I need time for the band to heal and adjust to my stomach for another month. I CAN DO THIS! Today marks my 2 month anniversary and I lost another 2 lbs. Tonight I am going to measure myself and take pictures...ugh!! But, I need to do this so I can look back at my old self and compare to the preveious month to inspire myself more!!!

Hey Jazzy Jude,

thanks for your kind words. as i was reading your post, i noticed that you said that we are not suppposed to do the hard workout until about three months? i thought it was the abs that we couldnt do. i started my hardcore workouts 10 days after surgery. i began swimming 7 days after with the approval of Dr. miranda. anyhow, just a thought since i wasnt sure.

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