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Overeaters Anonymous

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I left work and went to my first OA meeting tonight. I wasn't sure if I would fit in or not, becuase I don't overeat anymore....lol. Well, come to find out I fit in just perfectly. People there from all walks of life and different reasons. Mine seemed to be as good as any of theirs. I am going in hopes of getting help to deal with the emotional changes are coming about due to not being able to "pig out" whenever and how much I want.

I think I am really in shock how much this has affected me in the head. I miss eating....like I missed my 7th grade boyfriend when he went on summer vacation!! Yes, that bad....lol.

But seriously, I have admitted to myself that I do need help with the emotional aspects of eating so that I can successfully use this wonderful too that is the greatest gift (though I do have a $219 payment each month) so I use the work "gift" nicely.... ;)

Anyway, for any of those out there who have considered OA, give it a try I enjoyed it and plan to attend every monday night.

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I think that is an absolutely fantastic idea! For most of us our eating issues are primarily mental, so any resources and assistance you can get is great. I know for me it's been a huge struggle as well. Mine not so much the amount I was eating, but what I was eating. I would definitely say I have an addiction to fast food and so that has been a daily battle for me.

Best of luck!!! I'm sure it will be a HUGE help!!!

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Same here - I ate it almost every day for lunch and dinner as well. Then a few breakfasts now and again. It's still hard, but this band has made it so much easier not to eat fast food as when I was on other diets in the past. I know it's just the beginning though - got a long way to go! But we can all do it! =D>


I was a fast food junkie too! Everyday for work. And, I live alone... so most often for dinner too.


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I think it is wonderful to attend a support group! I am so glad you enjoyed it.

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I too could use OA, I am having serious issues with emotional hunger. I feel like I failed because I still want to eat all the time. I lost over thirty pounds between June and Aust...it got me to my half way point, and since then, I not only haven't lost, but have acctually gained five back. I am not liking myself at all and that only makes it harder to what I need to do and get the rest of the weight off.

I am going for a fill today and wonder if that is what I really need or if I am asking too much of the band?

Thanks for listening to my problems, depressed Barb

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I too could use OA, I am having serious issues with emotional hunger. I feel like I failed because I still want to eat all the time. I lost over thirty pounds between June and Aust...it got me to my half way point, and since then, I not only haven't lost, but have acctually gained five back. I am not liking myself at all and that only makes it harder to what I need to do and get the rest of the weight off.

I am going for a fill today and wonder if that is what I really need or if I am asking too much of the band?

Thanks for listening to my problems, depressed Barb

Barb ~ don't be depressed babe! It is natural to be on a plateau sometimes. Did you try to change your menu around to give it a 'kick start'? Another good one is too trick your body by having a high caloric meal once a week ~ to jar your system and then go back to your own diet plan. I am choosing a Saturday night dinner so that I can be with my family and we can go out to eat and not worry too much of what I eat as long as I don't go over my 3/4 cup of food for the meal.

Are you measuring your foods EVERY meal? It is easy to creep up extra forkfull of food and then next thing you know you are adding more to your meals. Stay within the food guideline we are taught to: 2-3 oz of meat/poultry/fish, 1/4 cup veggie/fruit and 1/4 cup of grain/starches, per meal, 3 times a day and no more than 1200 calories a day. If you are doing a regular exercise routine daily, then increase your calories to 1500.

Also, another way to 'kick start' your day is on the first of the month, 'pretend' to be a new bandster and skip the clear liquid stage and start with the 'creamy soup' stage for a few days and then graduatlly go in soft foods.

Just some suggestions to help you out. Hang in there Barb ~ YOU CAN DO IT!

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Barb ~ don't be depressed babe! It is natural to be on a plateau sometimes. Did you try to change your menu around to give it a 'kick start'? Another good one is too trick your body by having a high caloric meal once a week ~ to jar your system and then go back to your own diet plan. I am choosing a Saturday night dinner so that I can be with my family and we can go out to eat and not worry too much of what I eat as long as I don't go over my 3/4 cup of food for the meal.

Are you measuring your foods EVERY meal? It is easy to creep up extra forkfull of food and then next thing you know you are adding more to your meals. Stay within the food guideline we are taught to: 2-3 oz of meat/poultry/fish, 1/4 cup veggie/fruit and 1/4 cup of grain/starches, per meal, 3 times a day and no more than 1200 calories a day. If you are doing a regular exercise routine daily, then increase your calories to 1500.

Also, another way to 'kick start' your day is on the first of the month, 'pretend' to be a new bandster and skip the clear liquid stage and start with the 'creamy soup' stage for a few days and then graduatlly go in soft foods.

Just some suggestions to help you out. Hang in there Barb ~ YOU CAN DO IT!

Thanks for the kind words, I have been going through a bad patch and not measuring, the whole band thing was (fun and exciting) at first. Now that I am not changing weight or sizes, it's feels like a diet once more. I need ot get the band around my brain. I am so sorry if this sounds negative...I am in a funk It may even be my hormones, I am waiting to get results from what was drawn on Monday. Barb

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That is what I always did too! That way I could eat it before I got home and not get the look! It's funny, the only time I get really head hungry as I call it is when i'm in the car! That is my worst time to battle the cravings! Glad to hear i'm not the only one! :)

Funny. Fast food was my weakness too....especially drive-thru so I could hide how much I was actually eating!
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That is what I always did too! That way I could eat it before I got home and not get the look! It's funny, the only time I get really head hungry as I call it is when i'm in the car! That is my worst time to battle the cravings! Glad to hear i'm not the only one! :)

Yep, my husband has ask me before why so many McDonalds debits on the debit card.....oops, I forgot that would be there.....lol.

And he's busted me with the french fries on the floor of the car....

Glad those days are OVER!

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  • 1 month later...

I attended OA for years (on and off of course...never steady). It is a 3 part deal: physical, emotional and spiritual. I found it was helpful but I could never commit to the program. Getting a sponsor and reporting DAILY to the sponsor, turning everything over to a higher power, following a strict food plan (NO WHITE STUFF - i.e. flour, sugar...!!) - it was so hard for me. I was hoping the band would once and for all be my saving grace....but I know there is head-work to do still....it's scary...this journey I'm on...

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I attended OA for years (on and off of course...never steady). It is a 3 part deal: physical, emotional and spiritual. I found it was helpful but I could never commit to the program. Getting a sponsor and reporting DAILY to the sponsor, turning everything over to a higher power, following a strict food plan (NO WHITE STUFF - i.e. flour, sugar...!!) - it was so hard for me. I was hoping the band would once and for all be my saving grace....but I know there is head-work to do still....it's scary...this journey I'm on...

I have thought about going, but I have never gone because of all the things you mentioned! I think it would be very difficult to do the sponsor thing! I'm also concerned about the physiological aspect. I asked my insurance if they covered eating disorders (for counseling or psychiatry) and they said only anorexia and bulimia! Just another way they are denying that obesity is a disease! Let me know what you end up doing!

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