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How long before I feel normal again?

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I had surgery 12/29 and while it's only been just over a week I thought I would be feeling normal by now. Can those of you that had surgery before I did tell me how long it took for you to feel normal again? I want to be able to bend over without pain in my incisions, I want to be able to drink a glass of water, I want to not have weird pains in my shoulders and chest...

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I had surgery 12/29 and while it's only been just over a week I thought I would be feeling normal by now. Can those of you that had surgery before I did tell me how long it took for you to feel normal again? I want to be able to bend over without pain in my incisions, I want to be able to drink a glass of water, I want to not have weird pains in my shoulders and chest...

It Took me about 3 weeks for all pain to be gone and 5 weeks for the total bloating. I will tell you its so worth it just keep walking the Gas out.

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JAN 10 will be 3 months for me and I still have port tenderness and I don't think I will ever feel "normal" as in me without a new part inside me. It is a very different feeling now and I always know it is there. The port, the band, I am always concious of it. So, to ask when you will feel normal, you will never feel the way you did before! You will always know that something is inside of you and somedays will be easier than others. BUT, it is well worth it! As for the incisions, give it a few weeks, long enough for the glue to wear off. :D

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I had surgery 12/29 and while it's only been just over a week I thought I would be feeling normal by now. Can those of you that had surgery before I did tell me how long it took for you to feel normal again? I want to be able to bend over without pain in my incisions, I want to be able to drink a glass of water, I want to not have weird pains in my shoulders and chest...

Hi, it took me about 2 weeks for the shoulder pain to go away, and i pin pointed what caused it! Dairy! After my gas came out and I stayed away from dairy it's gone now...Start of my second week i could feel my port almost as if it were right under my rib, didn't hurt but uncomfortable! my incisions don't hurt anymore but i do feel the occasional pinch of the skin...A week of rest after my surgery I thought would be enough, but i probably could have used a few more days, I say about 2 1/2-3 weeks I started feeling alot better...What worked best for me and my body is using benefibre to get the gas out and walking and not holding back, if you know what i mean, lol! Hang in there, it should get better!

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JAN 10 will be 3 months for me and I still have port tenderness and I don't think I will ever feel "normal" as in me without a new part inside me. It is a very different feeling now and I always know it is there. The port, the band, I am always concious of it. So, to ask when you will feel normal, you will never feel the way you did before! You will always know that something is inside of you and somedays will be easier than others. BUT, it is well worth it! As for the incisions, give it a few weeks, long enough for the glue to wear off. :D

Jan 8th will be my 3 months post op and like Dana, I still have a slight port tenderness, especially if I do extensive exercises ~ but no pain, just tenderness. You have to remember you had major surgery and like any major surgery, it will take a few months to get back to norm. Since we have a band now, we are more alert to it's sensitivity...and are careful as to how we move and bend. As time goes by, it will be easier to adjust to this new healthier lifestyle change. Make sure you walk and drink a lot to help succeed with your weight loss.

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Thank you all for your input. Last night and again today I feel like someone is stabbing me in the shoulder, last night I cried it hurt so bad. I took two painkillers (strong ones) and even they didn't help. It's back again this afternoon and I've noticed two things that both occured around the same time - I was extra active and I had tomato soup with cream in it (dairy). I am going to try skipping any dairy and walking more to see if I can get rid of it. Also I have the pain my left wrist. Ooooooh, I feel terrible.

The bright side is that I'm losing and you all made it through so I know I will as well.

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Jan 8th will be my 3 months post op and like Dana, I still have a slight port tenderness, especially if I do extensive exercises ~ but no pain, just tenderness. You have to remember you had major surgery and like any major surgery, it will take a few months to get back to norm. Since we have a band now, we are more alert to it's sensitivity...and are careful as to how we move and bend. As time goes by, it will be easier to adjust to this new healthier lifestyle change. Make sure you walk and drink a lot to help succeed with your weight loss.

An update for anyone else that may have had this kind of shoulder pain. It's called radiant pain and is caused from the area around the band being swollen and then bothering a nerve that shows up as pain in my shoulder. Two ibuprofen and the swelling goes down and the pain goes away.

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