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Oct 28 2014 Sleeve Post Op

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January 2015 almost 3 months Post Operation

Well its almost been 3 months since I had surgery, I am now 280.1 Pounds as of January 13 2015. I ma eating pretty well overall however I am having difficulties remembering to take the large volume of vitamins that the OCC wants me to take. That plus the vitamins are a pain in the butt to get in Canada because you can only order online and only if you have a Paypal account. I have been looking at comparable vitamins at GNC and will be switching in the next week or so when I get back home to Edmo



About me,

My Name is Tyler, I am from Edmonton Alberta Canada and on October 28th 2014 I had the Gastric Sleeve Surgery by Dr.Ortiz. I like many others have struggled with being a large male for a lot of years, I will never say i did not have an eating disorder however my eating was not the only reason for me getting as large I have been. In March 2002 I was injured at work, I had numerous surgeries and a lot of time laying in bed recovering, start to finish my recovery took 2 years. By the time I was ab



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