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A Eulogy to Cake

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The Charisma of Birthday Cake

Now, in as much as it is true that I have never met a cake that I didn't like, it is even more truly stated that Birthday Cake in particular is my keenest adversary of ALL cakes. Perhaps it's the emotion one of these frothy, frosting layered confections evokes that makes it nearest and dearest to my heart as my own birthday was, again, a huge cause for celebration with all my Italian family in attendance laden with gifts. But, here again, it is the cake, that is the centerpiece of the festivity,



A Eulogy to Cake

When I was a kid growing up in a big Italian family in NY there was always an excuse for a celebration where there was A LOT of food. On a regular basis, the family got together on Sunday for a huge Italian meal which always consisted of a pasta dish...being spaghetti or lasagna and a nice big pot roast with potatoes, carrots and celery on the side and boat loads of rich gravy to soak up with bread. To create a balanced meal, our "greens" dish was ensalada, (salad) with tomatoes, cucumbers, a



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