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pre operative 19 year old girl

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Am I just being paranoid?

Hey all SO Im writing this blog entry in hopes that someone whos further along in this process may be able to help me... I had my first fill about three weeks ago and for the past 2 weeks i have been on holiday. Whilst on holiday i didnt weigh myself at all but i thought i was still losing weight even though my appetite was slightly greater than it was immediately after surgery. I got home today and weighed myself only to find that i havent lost weight (not that ive gained any either). And n



Any ideas?

Hi all So it has now been ten days since surgery, and for the most part im doing really well. But the last few days im feeling a bit of pain in the area underneathe my left breast. Its not major pain and it kinda just feels a little like a pulled muscle. It particulary hurts when i cough or sneeze nd sometimes after ive had some fluids. Is this something to worry about or is this just a part of the normal recovery from surgery? Any help/advice would be extremely appreciated Thanks guys



Just call me a scardy cat

So bandages were due to be taken off yesterday. But I'm an absolute wuss. Couldnt bring my self to take them off. So after some nagging from my mother i finally agreed to do so... But then.... I hate to admit it but i fainted! i couldnt believe this, never mind the iv being put in or being sliced open, my biggest fear was removing the bandages. I started to remove the first bandage at the bandage was semi stuck on the wound. All of a sudden i started seeing stars and my ears were ringing an



to burp or not to burp

So day after surgery, Nothing major in the discomfort area, just a bit of tightness behind the breastbone and bit of pain when walking. Another issue im having is the inability to burp. Very gurgly inside and feel bubbles of air in my esophegus. Has anyone else had similar issues and if so how long will it take till i can burp again.... Thanks All Comments would be appreciated Ange



Last night out on the town b4 surgery

So last night going out on the town b4 my op. Its always a great experience to get all dressed up with your girlfriends, and hit the town for a night of dancing. Until you realise that all your friends are a size 6 (American size 0) and you look like a whale in a dress in comparison. I am looking forward to this not being the case some months down the track... Fun times. Hit you up later



four days till surgery

So lets start with the introduction I'm Angela, I am 19 years old, I live in Auckland, New Zealand and I am a second year Education student in Universtity. I decided in october of this year to have the lap band surgery and i am due to have the surgery this wednesday (25th November 09). I'm starting to have worries about the surgery now... I have been big my whole life and the concept of being thin is such a far off concept to me that i am stuggling to even believe that is a real possibility.



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