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About this blog

Sharing my thoughts, fears, and processes as I prepare for Plication surgery.

Entries in this blog

The Procedure Days

My plication procedure took place November 29th with the days preceeding consumed with excitement, fears, preparations and of course, shopping through the Thanksgiving weekend. By Thanksgiving morning I had met my 5% pre-surgery weight-loss goal. Friday morning I had to lose 1 pound over again but the two day liquid diet easily covered that pound and another as well. I have to be honest that I had moments of sheer panic, thinking that I was actually insane for taking this path to weight los



Medical Tourism

I've made the decision...to go to Mexico for my surgery. I made the decision to have the surgery long ago. I imagine we all have similar stories that brought us here. Considering bariatric surgery that we elect to pay for ourselves and thus find ourselves medical tourists because we either don't have health insurance that includes bariatric surgery or if they do you must be very sick first. We are tourists who are seeking not the thrill of the local scenery, the exposure to the culture a



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