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chex mix



i haven't been exercising. i've been eating bad. i haven't been drinking all my water. its just that i don't get to eat/drink throughout the day and then i go to friends parties at night and eat junk food! chips, dip, chex mix, cookies, cake!!! ahhhhhhh i got sick two nights in a row because all i ate that day was popcorn and chips. i was hurting bad the next day. my schedule has been all messed up because my boss asked me to fill in for somebody else in a different department that only works in the morning and i don't do morning shift at all! i had to re-adjust my entire life for a week and i'm all sorts of messed up right now. but at least today is the official start of my four day weekend! so i get to relax and hang out with my friends. halloween night is going to be great! i'm going to take lots of pictures!

mario's mom saw me last week and she said i looked real good ^_^ i haven't lost any weight well i mean how could i eating chips and cake for an entire week...anyway i'm going to take the next few days to get out this hole i buried myself into ..again.

oh yes for my 23rd birthday coming up in 7 weeks i'm going to six flags! yesssss i'm not worried about not fitting into the rides because i know in 7 weeks i will be exactly where i want to be size wise and everything is going to be perfect! soo happy! oh but i'm not happy with the fact that i have to go to traffic school and pay a 470 dollar ticket for going 75 in a 65 zone! lame. whatever. BUT BUT i am happy because remember that boy i talked about that i said i had a crush on and i was jealous of his girlbestfriend well me and him are like super close friends now ^_^ we're going to be the best of friends i'm so happy i met him and that he's in my life. and yes i will be taking a picture of him he's the cutest boy ever ^_^ i picked out his costume, its the best! i was an angel but on halloween night i'm going to be a purple fairy i have the biggest wings ever! :lol::lol:


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