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can you fast forward



-i broke my hand. it's going to take 6 weeks to heal. i feel off a scooter, vespa, to be correct. gio was trying to teach me how to drive it while we were in miami. i got scared, stopped accelerrating in the middle of a turn and splat..i guess i landed on my hand in just that angle to cause a fracture.

-other than that miami was so relaxing of course when i wasn't fighting with giovanni <_< the clearest waters and whitest sands and the warmest weather ever! oh yes we're going back on the 11th for another week.

-i'm thinking of heading to hawaii for my birthday this yr. alone. i'm kinda serious, but i'm sure when people find out they're gonna be like wah wahh i wanna go so i guess sure why not

-as of right now i'm in sf hanging with jeri and her 5 roommates! i love it! i'm not even joking. it's so much fun living with a bajillion girls. it's like a 24/7 sleep over yay! i've been here for over a week and have to leave thrus and i don't want to but i guess i have to do laundry and repack for miami

-oh yea i kinda quit my job of 3 1/2 yrs because i was pretty much over it. and it was the best thing i have ever done for myself! it was kinda sad because my boss really loves me and he was about to cry. i was like ron its ok its a beginning not and ending. he was like yeah i know i don't know why you even stayed here for so long and i was like right me too! hahaaa

-halloween was sooooo much fun! mario and jake came to sf and we partied all night it was awesome! jake and i have been sorta on the outs but when we all hung out again it was like nothing changed..yay!

-i really love indian food. naan is the best!

-i have a date this wednesday with an sf guy..how weird..i never get dates. guys never ask me out..but lately i can't stop getting asked out or stopped in the streets by some guy asking for my number

-well anyways pics to come! check out my album to see them k bye!


Mal <333


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