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Death to Wendy's[font="Comic Sans MS"][/font]



So I thought I was having a pretty good day today, food wise. I had a tuna sandwich with cooked brocolli ( OMG I am soo bad at spelling) and a banana. I mean I felt like I was on cloud 9, I was the queen of the world!! And then as my husband and I passed Wendy's on the way home he said those oh so GOLDEN words " lets get some Wendy's", I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT!! The words that turn me to mush, I have not been banded yet, by the way that sounds so weird to say " Banded", hmm anyways, so we....STOPPED. I know I know, I should have better will power, but I don't know how to stop the force. I think I might just take a different way home, or maybe I should move, no no too much too extreme. I guess we will see, and so turns the days of our lives.

your #1 Fan, Olivia B.


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