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Day 20



Sorry I neglected this. Today is my 20th day since I started this journey, adventure or whatever. Today I can start my Muscle milk again . Yesterday I had my first soup. I was having serious doubts on my 7th or 8th day post-op. I guess I should tell you what happened on the 19th. I got to the Clinic about 7:20am and proceeded to fill out all the paper work and give up the money. I then got my IV put in. I then saw Dr. Miranda and she told me her part, and weighed me 334lbs and set a goal of 260lbs. I then went and saw Dr Jimenez and he did his part with heart and lungs etc. Back out to the waiting room and then taken back and given our rooms. There I met my nurse (Carmelita), and she got me all sorted out and in bed. I remember that I was just figuring out the remote and all of a sudden this guy walks in, smiles at me and turns down the TV and sits in the love seat at the end of my bed. He appears to be in his late 30's or early 40's. This is Dr. Ortiz, he is full of energy and is telling me what's going to happen and how good I'm going to do.


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