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8 pounds in 8 weeks



This is my very first blog post. I don't know if anyone will ever read this, but I'm going to use it as a motivational tool for the next two months. I realized today that I have exactly 8 weeks to go before I take a trip in July to see some work colleagues who I usually only see once a year. Last July I was pretty depressed about my weight and hadn't made the decision to be banded yet. I got banded in Sept. and am really happy with the results right now, 8 months later. I'm at 158 pounds right now, and would love to be in the 149s this summer.

So my goal is 1 pound per week for the next 8 weeks. I think that is doable for me. I'm going to use this blog to make myself accountable to my weekly goals.

Today my goal is to get 1 hour of exercise in today and eat less food for dinner than I did last night. I have gotten a little sloppy in the amount of food I've been putting on my plate. So I'm going back to eating out of a bowl, and having about a handful of protein and about a cup of veggies.

One small goal each day, I know that's all I need to do to stay on track.


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I am also going to use this blog to make myself accountable too. It really does help to see what others are doing to keep loosing weight. Hang in there and good luck.. I am having my surgery on June 2nd

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Thanks for your comment. The band has been a great decision for me, I hope you are as happy as I am. It really helped me to read all the messages on the forum.



I am also going to use this blog to make myself accountable too. It really does help to see what others are doing to keep loosing weight. Hang in there and good luck.. I am having my surgery on June 2nd

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