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4 days post lap band surgery



Well I had my surgery last Thursday. Met 3 others that had the lap band and one who had the sleeve after a lap band removal. It went great. I cannot believe I was so nervous. Everyone at OCC was awesome. The facility was great. Post op I went back and stayed at the hotel and glad I did, the ones that stayed overnight wished they wouldn't have. I feel GREAT. There is pain and gas but WALKING is key. Day after surgery walked from Marriott to Walmart and then after a nap, took a cab to the Revolution Ave for 2 hours of shoppping with my new banders. Pre op diet I was 245, at OCC weighed in at 235 and am now at 233. I think I am still full of fluids and gas. The post op diet is tough and I am only on day 4 but I can do this. I would love to me 25lbs down by end of 21 day post op liquid diet. Down 12lbs now.


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I'm proud of you. It is exciting that you got to go back to the hotel the first night. I know that I would prefer that if it is possible for me. keep up the great work.

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Thanks. Day 5 on the liquid diet. Wow 25% of the way done and it is going to be the hardest thing to do. Walking post op is the best medicine. Went back to work today. Perfect. Had I gone back on Day 4, I think I would have struggled with discomfort etc.

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Good for you! OCC was great! I had my surgery May 20, 2010....lovin' it! Stick with pre op diet til the very last day. I am down 40 pounds now from pre op diet post op diet and actually eating now!

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