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So this is my first blog, I wanted to share my story and this seems like the best place to do that. First of all I have never told anyone my weight, not even my husband. I have been morbidly obese for over 10 years now, I said I would never be where I am today. In Febuary of 2012 I went to a bariatric surgery seminar at a local hospital with the intention of getting the sleeve. I was not going to tell anyone except for my immediate family,a few weeks later I ended up talking to a long time friend, about the sleeve, who told me of her family member that had surgery with Dr. Ortiz and how pleased they were. I got on the phone that day and spoke with my now patient coordinator. I am so happy I called. In March when I first contacted the Obesity Control Center, I weighed (can't believe I am publicizing this) 361 pounds, Dr Miranda informed me that I needed to lose 41 pounds in order to safely have the sleeve surgery. After some tears and encouragement from her and my family, I decided that I could in fact do this. I did the Atkins type diet with my husband years ago and HATED it, but that was the route I was going to attempt again. My husband has been doing it with me which makes for great support. I have to say that it has been easy, i'm not hungry; I do have some cravings every now and then, but nothing I can't handle. I have went to the movies and never smelled the popcorn even though my daughter was eating it right next to me, we go out to resturants and I stick to my plan, no problems. I have been to 2 birthday parties and both times I happened to be sitting next to the cake cutter and I never even smelled the cake. I just keep thanking God, because I am usually very sensitive to smells and odors. Low carb alone was going to slowly for my own goals, I wanted to have surgery scheduled for April 30, 2012, so after talking to Dr. Miranda I switched to a low cal/ low carb shake for breakfast and lunch, 80 or more ounces of water a day and a low cal/low carb type menu for supper. My first week on the shake/shake/supper method I lost 8 pounds, yes I said 8 pounds, my total loss to date is 21 pounds. I am so excited to say that I scheduled my surgery for April 30, 2012. I have been viewing videos on the internet about the skin after weight loss and I am a little bummed about the possibility of excess skin, but I will be healthier and happier with excess skin than I am with all this excess fat. Just after 21 pounds I feel a difference in energy, ability and focus. I see a difference too, for instance, my feet are slimmer, I have some wrinkles around my toes and sides of my feet (what a wierd place to lose weight, huh?) my boobs no longer look like part of my stomach, instead of one big round protusion for a belly, I have an indention beginning. And this is just 21 pounds, without vigerous exercise. I broke my toe about 4 weeks ago so I can't exercise the way I would like, but I have increased my activity level. I am looking forward to playing the WII fit again in a few weeks when I am below the max weight. I hope to start running for exercise and eventually run a marathon with my daughter. When I counsel at youth camp this summer I am going to be playing with the kids instead of watching from the sidelines. It is sad that the person I am has been hidden inside this body for such a long time; I let my weight control how much of my personality comes out in person. All I can say is I'M COMING OUT!!! 20 days and counting!


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You are doing GREAT! As for the extra skin - if you do have a problem with that, which not all patients do, we can help you with that later... for now just focus on getting healthier and getting to your surgery date! I'm excited for you! I'm excited for me, too :)

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I am excited for you! Sast time I lost weight, I lost it in my eyeballs, too.. my contacts kept popping out and my eye doc remeasured my eyes to see what the issue might be.. lol...

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