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Back home - feeling really good - not hungry!



I got back home late yesterday afternoon. So happy to be home with my kiddo's! While I was in Tijuana my husband and I celebrated our 27th wedding anniversary - I told him I was getting the PRP and Botox as a gift for him... not sure he bought it, but oh well :)

Before I forget, let me say that I have had botox quite a few times, in the US and with Dr. So at OCC/The Ariel Center - and Dr. So is the BEST! Never any bruising, never over "toxed" - I still look like myself, have great expression, but wrinkleless in all the right places! Very anxious to see how the PRP rejuvenate's my skin... I'm already noticing a hydration difference, and I'm told within the next few months I really start to see my skin changing... I'll keep you posted and I'll try to remember to take pictures!

OK... back to my sleeve revision. I really didn't have much pain at all - I did have some discomfort and really most of that came from the drain. Since I'm a revision patient I had to have my drain in a day or 2 longer then a "virgin" sleeve patient. I will tell you that within 5 minutes of having that drain removed, I was feeling sooooooo much better! The drain removal wasn't fun, but not nearly as bad as I thought. A few deep breaths and it was out - I kept waiting for it to hurt, but it didn't - it just felt strange.

I actually worked quite a bit while I was there. Monday had surgery, Tuesday went in for a drain check and met with the doctors. Wednesday I was at OCC having meetings with the doctors and staff, Thursday I recorded videos and did some video interviews of other patients. Friday I had a couple of other meetings then went back to the hotel and answered phone calls and emails (actually I was answering emails everyday except Monday & Tuesday). We left early Saturday to miss border traffic and head home.

I'm working on sipping liquids all day to make sure I stay well hydrated. Warm tea seems to go down better then something cold - although a sugar free popsicle is fabulous! I have been having a drinkable yogurt a day. I tried the Activia but there is so much sugar in those, that I felt lousy, so I switched to Trader Joes Greek liquid yogurt. I had picked some up on my way to OCC and tried them after the Activia I had bought there was an epic fail (stomach cramps and a mad dash to the restroom). I would say if you can't get your hands on the Liquid Greek Yogurt, when you are home buy some plain greek yogurt and blend it up with some milk or Lactaid and use a shot or 2 of the sugar free Torani syrups or even some reduced sugar jelly/spreads to flavor it - or even some honey... whatever you like. Too much sugar so soon after a sleeve can cause a bit of a "dumping". Another tip - and this one you can take with you when you go for surgery, if you have a Target, look in the aisle with the Crystal Light mixes for the Archer Farms brand Simply Balanced drink mix - box of 8 little pouches to dump into a water bottle (10 calories). They have electrolytes and vitamins (basically they are a cheaper, portable version of the Sobe Lifewater. My favorite is the Pomegranate Yumberry, but the Blackberry Blueberry is really good, too!

I got a wee bit tired of Chicken Stock (even though the Lucerna's is really good!) remember, my surgery was Monday and I didn't leave until Saturday. Miso soup was a really good alternative for me. My husband went out to a local Japanese restaurant (you can ask at OCC for the good ones - ask Gloria - she recommended a great one). I just avoided the Tofu and the seaweed in the soup - you could probably ask for it strained, but I didn't think of that ahead of time- it was a great alternative to the Chicken Stock. I also drank quite a bit of warm tea. If you have favorite tea bags - take them with you. You can use the coffee pot in your room to heat the water and then brew your tea. If you like your tea sweetened, take some splenda or stevia with you - the only thing in the condiment pouch was sugar.

I admit I over did a bit last night, unpacking, laundry, etc - and I did start to feel a little pulling pain, so PLEASE follow the guidelines and don't lift or bend too much so soon after surgery.

I know this all sounds a bit boring, but I figured since I had some questions about how a sleeve revision patient may feel after, I thought I'd share this part of my journey with you as well.

You know how to reach me if you have any questions! 1-866-376-7849 ext. 81


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Your making me jealous, I love my band but If it ever quits working I'll truely consider the sleeve, so keep us posted on your success.

Also, it would be nice to see some statistics on Sleeve versus Plication versus the Band? Which is better?

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as far as weightloss, statisically sleeve patients lose the most - very similar to bypass without the malabsorption and the problems that go with that.

statisically - band patients lose 50% of their excess weight - plication patients lose more like 60 - 70% and sleeve lose 70-80%+. Bypass patients will lose weight a bit quicker in the first months, but sleeve patients keep it off better.

For revision - we recommend the sleeve. Sleeve revision patients do better then Plication Revision.

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Oh... and I'm loving the Viactiv Calcium Chews, its like a little treat. Costco even has a Kirkland brand - sugar free ones (i'm eating the Viactiv brand carmel flavor... the chocolate ones are good, too)

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I am doing great! My only physical issue is from being too fat... hip pain.. which I hope will be aleviated by weight loss. You have me so curious now about the cosmetic procedures. I really am not interested in botox, because most of my ¨creases¨ are too deep for that... the ones around my mouth and the ones in my forehead. I have surprisingly few wrinkles other than those. I have a 40th class reunion in October, and I need to think of what tweaks might work for that.

You have certainly made this journey more comfortable!

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thanks Paula - I'm enjoying following your journey as well, our surgeries dates were so close, it will be nice to take this journey together!

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Lori! Congrats on the sleeve! I'm jealous! Giving it serious consideration to switching but afraid to make that move. I'm definitely going to be following your journey - I've had my band for almost three years and I screwed around the first two years (a crappy fill doctor, had a baby). I'm hoping that in the next 6 months I can lose weight and if not, you'll be hearing from me again about the sleeve (I had emailed while ago inquiring about the sleeve and you gave me all the info but now that you have it, I'll be checking in regularly!). All the best!!! Alana :)

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Hi Alana,

I'm always happy to answer questions, so you can call or email me anytime! I loved my band, I really did, but I think I'm lovin' my sleeve even more. Even though I can only take a few bites, it is more like my normal eating, I just fill up quicker. My band had turned into a more obstructive restriction, this is a more natural restriction for me, more like when I had that sweet spot with my band, which I hadn't been able to get to in awhile.

I hope you and your band can start working together again! But if not, its nice to have options!

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Hi Lori,

Your blog entries are great and I have enjoyed reading about your journey from band to sleeve. My revision is coming up in October and I am starting to get myself motivated to begin the per-op diet. I noticed that you had PRP done as well during your recovery period. Can you tell more about this procedure? Did you have the injections everywhere or just in localized areas? Have there been noticeable results and have they lasted (if I am correct it has been about five months since your PRP). Since I'll have to be down in Mexico for a week I am thinking about it... I am 45 and need to start thinking a bit about a "preventative maintenance plan".

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