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End of Week 3 Post Plication: Aug. 10, 2012



(again just transfering the first months weekly updates from the forum to my blog)


Today there is A LOT going on! It is the end of week 3 and I have lost a total of 4 lbs this week! I am so excited about this! So far in the last 3 weeks since my procedure I have lost a total of 13 lbs! I've never used so many exclamation marks!! lol And over all including pre op weight loss I have lost a noteworthy 28lbs, over 12% of my body weight! BMI going down.

There's a lot for me to report on. Today was/is my first day of soft foods and THIS transition has been an experience in itself let me tell you. I have a lot to say about this part of the experience so I am going to blog that so as not to suck up too much forum space haha.

Carry on. That is all.



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