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As my norweigan grandmother would have said "Uff da!".

I wasn't paying attention and drank my sugar free strawberry lemonade a little too fast. OUCH! Sometimes I forget how small my little "shrimp" stomach is. It didn't feel like I was drinking that fast, but wow... that hurt! Its been a little over 4 months since I had my band removed and converted to a sleeve surgery, but I am still getting used to a much smaller stomach. When I had my band, I could drink more, a bit more quickly because it went right through my band, but now that me entire stomach is just smaller... I still forget, especially when I'm distracted! I think the discomfort is a good thing, I sure don't want to stretch out my lil shrimp stomach.

Why is it that bad habits are so hard to get rid of, and good habits can be forgotten all to easily?

I love my sleeve and if I want my sleeve to take care of me, I need to take care of my sleeve!

I will make a point to remember this one!

Hope you all have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend, be safe, stay on track, and enjoy yourselves!


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Good luck Trhyans - there are a lot of good blogs here and you can also visit our forum www.occforum.com and look at the sleeve section - lots of great info :)

Wishing you much success on your journey!

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