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End of Week 8 Post Plic



Today is the end of week 8 for me. I have lost ANOTHER 3 lbs of bad health!!! I feel super excited! I am now down to 182 and that fence is getting lower and lower, I can see those super slimmer 7's from riiiiiiight here :)

This was another week of pretty high constipation. I had 3 days where I struggled to go at all. Thank goodness for milk o mag. I took it for five days in a row. The first 1 1/2 days I had little to no results, but last night it finally kicked in. Just in time for weigh in. Seems like every 2 weeks or so I go through a nasty bout of constipation. bleh. I still continue to take 3 metamucil caps a day and hope that one day that is enough to maintain consistent regularity.

Next Friday I come up on another anniversary. Next Friday I can stop taking Inhibitron! Yea!! One less pill. Seems like I take a whole ton of them with the 6 bariatric vitamins, the inhitibron, the 1.5 calcium and the 3 metamucils. It will be nice to take one less. :)

Week 8 Done.


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