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End of Week 18: November 23, 2012




There are many good things to report about week 18.

I managed to lose 1 lb the week of Thanksgiving Holiday! That is NO SMALL TRICK! I just told myself to relax, I could have a little of whatever I chose. I partook in the carrots and celery with onion dip mix, just 2 TBSPs of dip, but it was well enough, carrots are so low calorie and they were delicious! I had faux turkey, faux ham, they were fantastic, 1/2 c. of mashed potatoes, 1/2 cup of corn, and a fantastic delicious rosemary GF gourmet roll, which was so delicious! I chose not to drink wine for the holiday so that I could concentrate my calories on food and remain in control of what I ate. I think that was a wise decision.

When I finished eating I felt satisfied, but also like I needed to move around, so we gathered the kids and some of us big kids and went outside to run it off by playing Red Rover. That was fun. We came in a couple of hours later and I had a slice of gorgeous pumpkin pie with cool whip. Thank you GF gourmet meals!

I am just really happy that I did not over eat on Thanksgiving day and that I am now in the 6's!!!!!!!!!!!! To have both of those things happen in 1 week is a very sweet victory! Woo!!!!!!!! I am also very excited that just 20 little old pounds more and I am at my goal weight!! I am glowing. I feel so happy. Every week when I do weigh ins and then the weight loss tracker, I see that mini-me run closer to my weight loss destination and it just makes me so happy. Just 20 pounds until goal. It's worth saying twice. And I have lost a whopping 52 lbs already!

I have been on a house cleansing lately too. I got rid of all my old clothes, cleared clutter and everything is looking and feeling great.

Life is Great. :)


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