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Making the decision



I was lap banded in March 2007. This was a major life changing decision and I had anxiety like I've never had before. The lap band surgery was a breeze and the anxiety disappeared, as did my weight. I never anticipated how much success I would have with the band. I ended up losing close to 100 pounds in the first year. As time went by, I ended up leveling out on my weight loss and my body adjusted, my metabolism changed and slowly I was gaining weight. My band has been a great tool, like a friend that kept me in check with my eating. But, it's time for my lap band to go.

Several reasons factored in to my decision to go with a sleeve revision. One of the biggest is what I mentioned at the start of my blog. Some of the other reasons had to do with aftercare. I had lost my fill doctor up in Chicago, he moved on to a teaching position in Cininnati OH and being a Mexico band patient, I couldn't find many American doctors to touch me. This alone was turning into a major pain in the butt. But, I really didn't need any fills any more. I had reached my sweet spot and the band was working, but my weight was just creeping upwards. I really needed to eat less. The band worked, but I always felt hungry. The bottom 2/3rds of my stomach wanted more and slowly I would eat more often. With this and my metabolism being at turtle speed, I was slowly gaining weight and heading back to my old life. There was also the thought something might happen to my band or my stomach because of slippage or erosion. I didn't have any of these issues, but would I in time?

So,, I'm not going back to the old me. I've had a big taste of the good life. With 100 pounds gone and really enjoying the new me, why would I go back to the old me. So, I've done my "HOMEWORK" and have decided to go with a sleeve revision.

I'm scheduled at the end of July. Do I have any anxiety, not really, been through it in the past. I made good choices with the band, such as going to the OCC and having Dr. Ortiz and Dr. Martinez as my surgical team, so why would I have any need to have anxiety or think twice about this decision. I'm really looking forward to this!


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I understand how you feel. This surgery has been a life changer, and being able to keep the helper (smaller stomach) talking to your brain saying I'm full is really a necessity to your everyday life. So I think you are making a great decision! :)

I may see you there at the end of July since I will also be in town, although it is to support a family member who is going to see Dr. Castillo instead.



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