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Be excited, not nervous, I was so excited I wanted to be first! Bring single dollar bills to tip the guys at the hotel for your room service or whatevers, the worst part of the whole procedure was (and I am serious) was crushing one of the prescription meds and swallowing it, the taste was beyond bad!! thank goodness only 10 of those pills, I celebrated when I was done. No pain at all, but follow their diet instructions religiously, and be sure to sip sip sip the days after surgery. I spent a lot of time at the pool soaking up the sun on my recovery days. Remember your lung breathing thingy or you will have to buy another one... it is needed in the recovery process. I asked for a sleeping pill the night I stayed in the clinic, it made my night go by much faster and asked if I could sleep on my side and they said I could! You will sleep most of the day of surgery anyways and they have English tv. Good Luck I am 3 weeks today out and I am minus 25 lbs!!!

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You are recuperating at the pool I hope!!! sip sip sip.... Is Dr Ortiz as cute as ever? say hi to Frank at the restaurant, get lots of rest and be happy!!! -32 today!!!

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When I had my tummy tuck surgery I was so nervous. I am 32 years old and I was shaking when I went in there. Thankfully that one of the staff of placidway assist me through the clinic. My doctor was real good about it. I would say just ask him all the questions you want and go over the concerns, which he will probably do anyway before surgery. I went in there thinking I'm never going to wake up. I had an IV and don't even remember the mask. He just told me in about 30 seconds I was going to be out. It felt like 5 seconds later and I was awake being wheeled out of there. It was nowhere near as bad as I thought it was going to be. Not only that, you will be so hopped up on meds that it will be okay. Some hospitals will try and hurry you along, but take your time. Which is usually about 2 days. I don't know what kind of surgery it is, but just be calm and know that it is better for you in the long run, and needs to be done. Hope this helps.

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