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Everything posted by terbear

  1. Hi there,,this is terbear,,,,are you going to TJ for your banding? It is just great!!! I was banded only last month on the 4th,,,already down 23lbs,,,,good luck in your journey terri :-h
  2. thankyou for replying back to. I DO NOT AND WON"T give up. I guess it was just one of those days. I want this so much and wanted to see the changes happen. and it was,,,,like you said i'm not off track yet. I get my fill nov 19th. I know Rome wasn't built in a day!!!! Good luck in your journey! terbear
  3. thanks for repling back!!! at least I know that I have something to look forward to. I go nov 19th for my first fill. so tell me how are you eating now [like what and how much,being measured out] just wondering what is in store for me. looking for akinds of info. keep in contact and good luck in your journey,,,,keep up the good work. terbear425@yahoo.com
  4. Hi everyone... thought that I would try and get some info to maybe help me out here. I was banded oct 4th and was doing real good,,between,the pre-op diet and after surgery I lost 23ilbs total. Now that I went back on solid food and being carefull what I'm eaing [cause I don't go for my fill till nov19th],,I put on 5lbs. this makes me soooooooooo upset that I'm scared to death to eat at all. Is this normal? Can anyone give some tips how to eat with this thing till I get my fill,,,,please help ( I don't really want to throw in the towel and don't want to feel like a failure. terbear
  5. Hi, i'm terbear,,,,i was banded oct 4th bt Dr ortiz in tj,,,,,,and you? sounds like you are doing just great. i went back to work right away,,,should of taken a couple of days off but didn't. I felt bla for acouple of days after,,,,doing just great now,,,looking towards my first fill in 3 weeks,,,,,,i start eating solids tomarrow =D> well got to go ,,i'm at work now,,,keep in touch,,,,my e-mail is terbear425@yahoo.com later terri
  6. HI to all my banded friends from oct 4th!!! hope that all of you are doing just great. tomarrow is solid food day =D> ,,, i can hardly wait. been trying to figure out what i want to try first,,,,,still afraid,,, i think that i have been making this harder in my mind then what it is going to be. i know that we are only suppose to have a half cup,,,3 meals a day,,,or can anyone tell me what something else.... guess that i just need some more advice with starting solids. keep in touch terri
  7. Glad to hear that you are doing great! I am doing good to. keep in touch, my e-mail, terbear425@yahoo.com,,,Terri
  8. HI This is terbear, I was just banded on oct 4th in Tj. I would like more info on this doctor. you can send it to me at my e-mail address; terbear425@yahoo.com thankyou terri
  9. Hi Jamas: glad to hear that you are doing just fine. if I could get rid of this gas,, i would feel alot better. I got up this mourning feeling a little under-the -weather,, but other then the gas pains i'm feeling pretty good. keep in touch,,,and good luck on our new journey,,,,,glad to have you as a new band-buddy!!!! Terri
  10. Hi everyone: I'm going to be banded on oct. 4th,,,getting closer. I would like to hear from someone that is going to be banded the same day.
  11. Hi everyone: I'm going to be banded on oct. 4th,,,getting closer. I would like to hear from someone that is going to be banded the same day.
  12. hi everyone, this is terbear. im new to this!!! i'm going to be banded oct 4th. would like to make and talk to other banded buddy or talk to who might be there the same time i am. hope to hear from you!! terbear425
  13. Hi everyone. my name is terbear and I jut set up my banding today for oct 4th. really excited and scared at the same time. not sure what to expect from my journey. I would like some feedback as to what it is going to be,,,what was the center, docs, and hotel like.
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