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Everything posted by elizabeth.miller

  1. I live in the DFW area and I'm trying to find a fill doctor now that I can no longer get to Dr. Martinez with such ease. I know Dr. Martinez said they are affiliated with Fill Centers USA, but the closest one I could find was near Houston. Is this correct? The couple of Dr.'s I've found in DFW are Richard Benavidos and the Surgery Center of Richardson and a place in Carrolton called North Texas Bariatric & General Surgery. Anyway, Dr. Martinez only charged $100 for a fill and I was hoping to find something closer to that than the $500 ones I've been seeing. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you!! Elizabeth
  2. I had a fill in March - which isn't that recent in the world of fills - but Dr. Martinez did mine. There were 2 people from the states who were there learning how to do a fill - a Dr. & his nurse. But I've been having a problem with my last fill and I called to talk to Dr. Martinez and it was as though he did fills. He took my call and answered all my questions so I'm not sure what's with that.
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