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Everything posted by Kel

  1. Hi. After researching the Lap Band, I'm sold. I've requested consultations with Dr. Ortiz' office and Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles. I had thought I'd wait until December so that it would be easier to be off work. I own a business and am actively involved in all aspects of our practice. But after reading more about this, I'm so excited about the prospect of finally conquering this battle that I'd like to schedule this sooner. I live within 1.5 hours driving from either clinic. So... I am wondering if you all who have been through this could give me an idea of your recovery time. I do not have a desk job per se, but there is a desk component since I am the owner. I run a pediatric clinic for children with autism so it's an active job involving some lifting (to the monkey bars, off slides, etc.) and kids who tend to be more unpredictable in their movements than typically developing kids. I could have one of the other therapists help me with the physical aspects, but am wondering what I might expect in terms of returning to at least my current energy level. I actually had a breast reduction surgery 2 1/2 years ago and was completely off work for 2 weeks before returning gradually. Totally back to work after a month. Some days it was too much and I'd pay for it with swelling and fatigue. Thanks for any info. Kelli
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