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Posts posted by Dontondan

  1. Congratulations! Glad that all that worry was for nothing. I did have a problem with my IV, but am glad it went well for you. When they missed my vein I panicked and the anesthesiologist (can't remember his name, but he was soooo kind) came in and held me and calmed me down until they finally got my IV in. That was the ONLY glitch in my surgery and if I had to do it all over again I would say "Hell Yeah!"

  2. Vix, I think that you have a good support system here....you will need all the support you need. I too have a penny pinching husband, but mine wants me to be happy and healthy more....I thank God every day for this. It is a change that is life altering and maybe he is also insecure to have you look better than he does and be happy. My thoughts and prayers will be with you during this tough time, stay strong.


  3. Congratulations Amber!!! I was so happy to see this news. I am getting excited as I am about 7 pounds from one-derland......I haven't been there for about 25 years or more! I think it is now realistic to think about getting to that number. Must feel really good to be you today! Happy Dance!!!

  4. You are doing great! Your face has slimmed down, your butt has lost a lot and your tummy is starting to go down. It has only been since Feb. My goal is to be thin by the time I am 50 too....I only have until January! I vowed that I didn't want to be the 3 F's, female, fat and fifty......the only thing that I can change is the fat part! Keep plugging away and it will come off. I wish that I was brave enough to do before pictures. I still don't like to be in the camera...it adds too many pounds and I think "do I really look that fat?" Hopefully that will change in time.

  5. Another suggestion would be to get your mother a third party payee, which would be responsible for taking care of her bills, money, etc. It would take it totally out of your sister's hands and there would be a full accounting of where the money was going. Also there is lots of help through the drug manufacturers to help out those in need to get the medications that are necessary but expensive. Her Dr. can help with that. Just hang in there and don't feel guilty about what you have done to improve your life. Your sister is just bitter. The best thing that you can do for yourself is to get healthy.

  6. It is pretty much trial and error to see what will agree with you or not. Just take it easy and follow the rules and you can eat pretty normally. Small bites, chew like crazy, take your time. I usually have to start with coffee...hot, because my band is very tight in the morning and won't take food at first. You may not have any restriction at all at first, so people do. Everyone is different. So enjoy your new lifestyle and practice what Dr. Miranda recommends and you will be fine.

  7. I don't think I fart any more than I used to, but I do PB or slime pretty often, but it is usually from "pushing the limits" by taking too large a bite or eating too fast or the wrong things....I would rather be the way I am now than the way I was. I was miserable being fat and I am slowly coming out of my shell now. I never used to belch, but I do that now more than before, but they aren't the huge loud things, just little "Hiccups", usually from trying to hurry through a meal. I just can't do that now. The only other thing that I have noticed that can be a potential problem is Constipation. I have to take a metamucil capsule every day to keep regular and when I get backed up things get a little gassy. LOL!

  8. I have a huge needle phobia and I have had 3 fills so far. It doesn't get any easier for me, but I let whoever does it know that I am afraid of the needles and they don't let me see it at all. I close my eyes tight and do breathing exercises and I do fine. It doesn't really hurt at all, but just the thought of the needle scares the C--P out of me. When I had the flouro done at OCC I came close to passing out because I had to sit up for the flouro and the needle sticking out of my tummy at the time really freaked me out and I had a panic attack and got dizzy, etc. I have had 2 blind fills since (with no flouro) and I do fine with that cause I am lying down and can't see anything. They also numb it for me prior to the stick so if it takes more than once I won't feel anything. Good Luck!

  9. I have had 3 fills now and when I eat a meal I am usually eating around 3-4 bites (regular sized) but it takes me many more bites (very small) and it takes me a long, long time to eat it. I take additional protein (vanilla flavored powder) in my morning coffee (I have to have something hot to start the day and loosen my band). The scale hasn't moved much since my fill, but I know it will soon. Because it takes me so long to eat, it feels like I am eating much more than I used to. I have to choose wisely what I consume as I feel full most of the day, but feel hungry in the evening. I also take vitamins and a metamucil capsule so I don't get "stuck".

  10. Just let them know about the Diabetes and they will monitor you while you are at the OCC. They came in several times to check my sugars and also gave me a shot of insulin at one point (I was pretty loopy at the time, but remember this). Since the surgery my diabetes is pretty much gone and they are talking about taking me off of my Metformin soon. So the lapband can help you control your diabetes! Yipee! Good Luck!

  11. Thanks for all the advice and well-wishes. I am doing better today and the papaya extract helped a great deal. I have tried the water to get it to come out, but it just makes things worse and I spew all over the place. I don't really care for fish, but will give it a try, I sauce everything I eat! I think I just have a really tight fill right now.

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