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Everything posted by Michelle2

  1. Hi Sandy, I am also not a veteran, I was just banded on July 21st. I was sooo hungry and cranky I thought I would kill someone!! I ate a lot of Tums during the first 10 days and motrin because my left shoulder was killing me! I started sucking on fudgsicles. The rich chocolate flavor really soothed the beast within. I am now doing a cup of milk with 2 scoops of protein powder for breakfast, a slimfast optima with a scoop of additional protein for lunch and around 4 o'clock and a creamy soup for dinner. I always have a fudgsicle or two at night and have been feeling great (and have lost 9 pounds since band date). If you can do soups now check the recipe section. I've been making the Tortilla soup I found on the forum and it's really satisfying. Oh and if you mix your favorite drink with ice and blend it, put it in a margerita glass you can fool your brain...it worked for me!! I know the first week is hell, but just hang in there. This too shall pass, I promise.
  2. Hello you wonderful band saints! It seems I'm one of the few who didn't tell anyone about my surgery. I've had some clever cover ups for the liquid diet, no alcohol, walking "pregnant", but my tummy is screaming "Look what I've done!" I had my surgery July 21st...how long before the incisions look like cat scratches? Thanks for your help.
  3. Hello Vix, I am kind of in the same boat. Nothing is more frustrating than being miserable only to be told all you/me need is a little self control and exercise. I admit that I love to eat and can't get a handle on it. The feeling of being powerless is incredibly frustrating. My significant other and I got into a huge argument, he said he was going to move out, so I went to the OCC on 48 hours notice and had it done...it's been one week and he still doesn't know. Not that I decided to do it in 48 hours (I've been reading the forum for @ 8 months), I decided not to let him decide for me. You are not alone and it's so sad to feel you have no support...I can totally relate. The people on this forum are so wonderful, I read every word!! I totally hope things work out for you. It would be so nice to share the journey together. Take care of yourself and good luck!!
  4. Hi Guys, I was banded July 21st, so far so good. However, if I have to swallow another 'sip' of apple/orange/cranberry/grape juice, I may kill some one!! So, in order to prevent a murder in band land, I bought a box of fudgsicles. Well, they've made me as happy as a pig in...well, fudgsicle land. But, I started thinking this may be too good to be true and began second guessing whether this is allowed at this stage. The OCC is closed today, so any thoughts?? Fudgsicle/No fudgsicle? Looking forward to your help (and hopefully another fudge bar).
  5. Hi Shannon, We were banded on the same day...they took you "to the back" and I never saw you again !! I've been feeling like a lil ol lady too, but overall not too bad. Just keep drinking, drinking, drinking. Tums has also helped quite a bit. I am also still waiting for the BIG BURP. What I wouldn't give for a big chug of diet coke!! Well, I hope you're feeling better soon. Also, I didn't get a chance to say bye to Teri. I'm hoping she's doing well, she's such a sweetie! Let her know I'm wondering how she's doing. Take care, Toni
  6. Hi Simego, I was banded Monday and have also been having the sharp pain in my left collarbone. Feels like someone is poking with a dagger!! OUCH! Occasionally I've had the tightness in my chest, feels like an overextended balloon and I can hardly take a deep breath. I've been taking A LOT of extra strength Tums and have rationed the 4 painkillers the OCC gave out. Yesterday, my left shoulder and back was really achy. I went to Whole Foods and had a 30 minute massage in the "chair". This really helped. I have also been taking motrin. Have you tried the South Beach powedered drink mix? I've been blending it with ice, powdered vitamins and serving it in a marguerita glass. Kind of fools the mind. Hope some of this helps...sorry you're not feeling so well. "michelle"
  7. Hi Linda, Thanks for the info, I agree that it really is no one else's business. Feeling powerless against food is exactly how I feel, it's like a monster takes over and stuffs fork fulls of food in my mouth!! Ah, to take back a little power!! I also tried being bulimic, problem was I'd make myself throw up then eat again!! Kind of defeats the purpose, ha ha! Congratulations on your success, you look beautiful AND radiant!! And thanks again for the info, it really helps.
  8. Hello Phoenix, I enjoyed reading your response. I've tried every diet you listed and then some. I am 39, 5'4" 186 lbs with a 32 BMI. I've scanned so many stats on the forum and haven't felt band worthy. I'm so afraid I'll fail with this also, I don't think my self esteem could take it. How are you feeling? The "for pretty much ever" is a little scary, but it sounds like you're doing it. I'm a diet cokeaholic, banana split & wine kind of girl (you mentioned tham all!!), how do you "deal" without?? When were you banded? How bad are the scars? Any other tidbits of wisdom? Thanks so much!
  9. Hello Simego!! I have been reading the forum for about 6 months now and have been feeling the same way. My BMI is 32, and I was afraid I would be judged as well. Thank you soooo much for speaking up. The response from Phoenix was spot on. I have tried and most times succeeded on every diet out there. However, in the last 18+ months have gained 55 lbs. As if judging myself isn't enough, I can see the "what happened to her" once over from friends, family etc. Two clients have happily declared CONGRATS on the pregnancy!! I've given up on losing it this time, why bother, I'll just gain it back, right?? What an emotional roller coaster. Each failure just brings more self loathing. I'm struggling between being all in one minute to grasping at "OMG, I'll never be able to eat/enjoy _______again" I only know the me I am now... My husband isn't quite supportive either. He thinks a little more self control and exercise is all I need. I guess this is true, but why is it sooo hard? I've been thinking of having it done without his knowing...I wonder if this is possible? Anyway, I wish you much success, let me know what you decide.
  10. Hello, Since coming across the Lap Band Surgery on the internet, I'M OBSESSED!!! There seems to be a wide range of success as well as difficultty/ease in finding the "sweet spot". I am curious as to where the incision scars are, if they have faded, are obvious, etc. No one anywhere has mentioned this at all. I believe one Dr.'s office in Arizona said the incisions were placed along the bra line and by the belly button (umbilicus?). Another office said to hold your hand out with your fingers extended, lie it on your belly and where your fingers land that's where they are...c o n f u s i n g !! Thanks for your help, I look forward to hearing from you.
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