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Everything posted by alicia

  1. Thank you for your comment. I am 60lbs overweight but I am pretty proportionate. Many people are surprised at what I actually weigh. I was concerned that Magpel’s opinion was prevalent throughout this forum and I am pleased to see that there is understanding for different people’s situations. I am having my surgery next week and I am uncomfortable telling a complete stranger my motives for having this surgery. This conversation has prepared me for what I might face when I go to have my surgery. Although, I would rather face a thousand Magpel's than stay overweight!
  2. Yes, THEIR experiences, not a misrepresentation of OTHERS experiences or motives.
  3. You should leave her story to be told by her rather than relaying second hand information.
  4. There was a group of us that were told to be ready and waiting in the lobby first thing in the morning - I think it was 8am or something like that. While waiting down there, I met a few other folks who were getting surgery too. I was so SHOCKED!!!!!! to meet a gal who was getting surgery that day (everyone there was SHOCKED - it wasn't just me). She was average height, and average weight. We all thought she was going to pick up a friend who had the surgery - she just did not fit the profile for Lap Band surgery. She told us that it took her a few weeks to convince them to give her the Lap Band. She was told NOT to do a pre op diet or anything. She told us that she wanted to loose the extra weight she gained during early menopause. I suspect she was about 5 feet 6 inches, or 7 inches and her weight - taking a guess was probably 145 or so. She was super nice and was really looking forward to loosing 35lbs. This also confused me! I get that if she's gained weight since menopause that she might be looking at herself much differnt - however while talking to us, she told us how much she loves to eat, and how hard it was going to be to give up her diet soda and other things. It seems like if she were to change her eating habits and drinking habits she might have some success loosing those few (not 35!) extra pounds she's added. --THIS is nothing against her - she was very nice - this rant is directed to the CLINIC. I was very dissappointed that they agreed to this surgery. This surgery is supposed to be for people who are OBESE, not those who need to shed 10lbs. The ALL MIGHTY DOLLAR ladies and gentlemen THE ALL MIGHTY DOLLAR!!! This was the most dissappointing thing, truely. I am so disappointed that you would assume that this patient was not a good candidate for this procedure. You don't know her story and the true reasons she did it. You don't know her medical history and it seems you are a bit resentful of her decision. It is a very admirable that she had the bravery to do something about her weight. I would think you would have a little more empathy for an other person who needs to lose weight. I am sure you know the struggle of being overweight, I am just so disappointed.
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