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Will T

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Posts posted by Will T

  1. I used one of the two on the OCC site, that tend to focus on medical procedures... Citerra I think it was. They approved me quickly, and the only glitch was the day they wanted my payments. I needed the date AFTER my payday, not a week before. After that, I put it on an automatic payment, and things went perfectly.

  2. another cause of PBs that I have experienced in mass quantities is eating too fast, causing the swallowed food to block the gases coming back up (what we consider a normal burp). Sometimes, it feels like an alien will pop out of our chest, for about 30 seconds to a minute, and then the burp comes out and we are happy, and eat away.

    Sometimes the body reacts to the blockage, and you salivate excessively. The saliva goes down to help, but it ends up blocking it even more. This is "sliming" and sometimes I've tossed the slime back out (yes, slightly thrown it up). It's not barfing, really, because no food particles come back, just the huge glob of slime, and it REALLY is viscous and sticky. It's gross, and you don't want to do it at the table in a nice restaurant.

    Notify your husbands/significant others/boyfriends/girlfriends/ etc... anyone you eat with, that they are NOT to do the Heimlich Manuever when you experience this.... I almost had someone do it to me in a restaurant, and it would not have been good.

    I was banded April 8, in TJ, and would go through EVERYTHING I've been through again, if I could go back... without hesitation. My weight is coming off healthily, slowly, and I am maintaining a normal routine. Each week, the scale tells me my journey was worth it ALL. I eat what I want, when I want... I'm just eating tremendously less than I used to. I have noticed in just this small time that my knees are happier, my back is happier, I sleep better.... and much more. I wish I had done this 15-20 years ago.


  3. Kimberly,

    Just watch out for Dawnie and Ute... Dawnie by HERSELF is a handful.... but put Ute and Dawnie TOGETHER..... the manager of "Maters" had to ask them to stop doing the bump.. yes, the awesome dance from the 70s... on the table after the meal. Poor Tammy and George were SO shocked, she didn't eat for THREE days...

    I just stood there clapping... throwing dollar bills around...

    Ute said she would show me a couple of things from Germany when I see her next time.... woohoooo!!!!

  4. Greetings and Salutations : )

    WillT had his fill on the 8th. He couldn't on the 22nd.

    As far as an update, my last fill was with you guys wayyyyyyyy back in June. I had a lot of issues with my band, and couldnt not go for many meals without some type of distress. I learned quite a bit during the last 4 months. I learned to call Darlene if I have issues. Between Darlene and Evan, I found out what was causing the problem, the quickest and best solution, and even had a fill. I also learned that if the fill center appointment desk says "they are all booked up" to call Darlene.

    To make a long story short (I know... too late... lol) have a great time in Roswell in two weeks everyone. If I can get free, I may try to join you for a quick lunch (I'll get to eat MORE than you :) )

    I'm one of the old-timers on this board now (no jokes about me being a VERY OLD-timer Dawnie..... :P ) so I dont come on as frequently as I did a while ago.

    Live Long, and Prosper

  5. Hello Renee...

    I've been in your situation for about three months. I've had PB issues EVERY day (with the exception of 6) since I had my last fill (in July, with Ute and Dawnie). It's killing me. The ONLY way I can eat without a PB is to drink while I eat tiny, tiny bites. I know - I'm not supposed to drink while I eat, but if I wanted to be bulemic, I didn't need to pay $8K for the chance.

    As a result, I eat poorly. A milkshake is GLORIOUS... but deadly to the scales. My typical routine for the longest was to take a small bite (without drinking) about the size of a half-McNugget, maybe a little smaller than a quarter, like a dime. After the third bite, I would get up, excuse myself for a bit, and make sure I carried a napkin to the restroom in case I didnt make it in time.

    After the episode, I would take a small drink, and things would go down better, so.... I began to drink while I ate. I want another fill, because I'm to the point where I can eat a large quantity (the drink is defeating the purpose of the band). Lisa and I have been talking of late, and she is working some magic on me, so I will see where she leads me.... And no, I am NOT going to pay $300 for an unfill just to have to pay $300 to have it put back later. The woman talked about power tools, so I'm showing a manly trait of stubborness.

    Hope you're well hon, as with D also. Sus and Andrew say hello. Your Bama bunch whooped up on our Tigers, and everyone else they've played. I hope your situation straightens out quickly. It isn't fun, not at all. Keep me in your loop.


  6. I was banded at OCC. Two of my colleagues were banded by a local doctor at a cost of $13,000 more than I paid.

    For their $13,000, they get free fills with fluoro, weekly checkups as needed, personal attention just by walking into the office (and they are seen by the doctor most every time) - all of this follow up for one year for no extra charges.

    I've found it difficult going of late, and have decided to solve the issues on my own, because I cannot get the attention I need from the sources I've tried to solicit help from. There is no one to see me except on two days a month (sometimes four days a month), and the first advice I receive is to get an un-fill. Sorry, I can't afford another $350 (by the time I fill the car to drive there) to get an un-fill, just to start gaining weight again, then have to pay ANOTHER $350 to get back to where I was two weeks later.

    Psychologically, this is having an effect.

    Personally, I am disappointed that there has been no contact with me from OCC in the form of a "touch base to see how you are doing" call. I did expect one (though not promised one) at different stages of my journey. Maybe this is something OCC can do to improve their service. Have any of you received any type of follow up from them?

  7. also, look way back on some of the other 38 pages of topics, and you'll see that all of us plateau. When that happens, we usually go for a fill. What you are experiencing is common, so you'll experience it every so-often. I graphed my weight loss for the first 5 months, and it looks like a set of stairs going down with all the plateaus.

    Julie is right about the people posting. Some of us check the forum every few days, and respond as we feel led. The trend is for upcoming bandsters to scour the topics, recent bandsters to post often, and long-time bandsters to post infrequently. There are exceptions, but that is a general rule. The only poster that has been ignored or disliked was branded a troll, and Queen Fiona the first (Clynn) booted him from the board (he kept logging in under different nicks, and was actually booted a half-dozen times or so). A lack of immediate responses is just what Julie said. Wait til the work force returns, and the people will get back to reading and posting. :D

  8. I'm going to throw a curve ball here.

    Why worry? You can't change anything at this point. The "why" and the "how" are simple.

    Each day YOU live is a gift, to be cherished and enjoyed. That's why we were banded, we want to maximize the days we have. Now you're pregnant. That is an AWESOME blessing. You will be like many, many others who've never had children... you will learn. You will find yourself looking at videos... reading books... getting advice from a million other mothers who've been where you are and SURVIVED. Nicole said it well... she would not change it for the world.

    Your emotions appear to be rampant because of all the hormonal changes you're undoing (and they've just begun). Take things a day at a time. Call the OCC. Get their advice. Call your obstetrician for an appointment, and get their advice. The experts can assist you. Use them. Use them, and use your husband's ear and his wisdom to assist you. If you were a guy, I'd say "get a grip" and then buy you a nice Vitamin water or something healthy while we talked about it.

    You can do this. You are traveling a road that has been traversed by many. If you spend too much time worrying and stressing about it, you won't have time to ENJOY the blessed event. You can do this... today, you need to smile, and rub your tummy once or twice, knowing the bundle of heaven within you... then make hubby take you to a special lunch for the three of you. Make him buy you a new shirt or something. And promise yourself you'll be happy with him, so both of you can enjoy the day. At this stage, it's a mind set.

  9. I would call Tijuana and get the report of your surgery. Specifically make sure the cyst is mentioned in the surgical notes. As soon as it is on the way, schedule with your doctor - take the notes in to him and let him investigate it.

    My mom was a nurse all of her life, retiring as a chief of nursing services... her motto was "Better to check it and be sure it's okay than to regret NOT checking it". There is security and peace of mind with that logic.

    Also it is wise because your doctor at home now has a record of it in case its needed sometime in the future. Good luck with it...

  10. Ute... the paper thong got so much HOT reaction at home... I ordered a whole box of them. Order John a box of them, and you'll see what I mean ;)

    I treated the experience as a normal night, having to wear the gown and the thong. I kept hearing whistling while I walked around and around and around, then I realized the girls behind me were looking through the opening in my gown. That's ok. It made me have a little "zip" in my step.

    The staff provided for anything within reason that I could ask for. I walked across the street when I went back to the hotel and the store-front pharmacy as well as the convenience store had everything from gas-x to juices.

    Ute, make sure you tell John to hold his hands over his head and dance for you while he's wearing the thong... put a couple of dollars in it while he dances around :D

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