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Everything posted by Mackenzie

  1. So this may be a stupid question..however you can tell how confident I am in Dr. Ortiz if Im wondering if I can wear nail polish or not! Nail polish? Toe nail polish? Whats the scoop?! ) Thanks
  2. Hi! My surgery date is feb. 26th so I cant give you any advice on the healing process, etc. But I can tell you a few things. Most people on this website have or are going to have their surgery by Dr. Ortiz. He is out of Mexico. You are probably thinking, MEXICO! Because that is exactly what I thought! I originally saw in on the Oprah show about 2 weeks ago and immediatley found him on the internet. The website is www.obesitycontrolcenter.com . You may want to look into that because his surgery is a LOT less expensive that that. Anyway, as Ive read, you get your first fill 6-8 weeks after surgery, and then you get it as you need it. Some people find that they one is enough, some people need several. If they are covering your fills 15 months after surgery, that sounds pretty generous. Good luck!
  3. Hi hanna! I will be banded on the 27th - Im so excited but sometimes the food cravings totally make me forget about what I REALLY want. Starting tomorrow I am going to try and walk around the neighborhood. I am also determined for NO slip ups. I am cutting out Diet Coke ive heard that helps too- I have ONE more left in my fridge!!! AHH! ) hahaha Anyway I just pray that i lose some weight. I am sure i will see you out there! ) Good luck!!!! Mackenzie
  4. Thank you so much! I am worried about that as well. I dont trust scales! I feel like they all say something different! I was drinking a lot of diet coke before the pre op diet but I think I will stop on monday. And also on monday, no more slip ups! Ahh im so excited!!!! My surgery date is feb 27th, cant wait! Like you I am 6'00 i want to get down to 175 from 313 im shooting for 100lbs off my next march!
  5. I am on the pre-op diet now. I have decided to do the 2 protein shakes and a lean cusine. I was just wondering if anyone has not lost enough weight on the pre-op diet and has gotten turned away from Dr.Ortiz. The pre op diet is HARD! I think I am going to switch to 3 protein shakes next week (one week before surgery) just to make sure I lose enough...im so scared that I wont lose enough. How much did you all lose starting the pre-op diet about 2 weeks prior? Ive had two "major" slip ups so far...but other than that ive been good (that is why i started about 3 days early, just in case) I am just so nervous bc I want this so badly, ive bought my ticket, paid in full for the surgery, im just scared that something will stand in the way!
  6. Ive been thinking about lap band surgery for about 2 years now...and it just so happened that I got home early the other day and got a chance to turn on Oprah.... Seeing Cassie and her mom really made me realize that I need to do this. I have gone through my life for the past 10 years just wanting so badly to be thin. I am so exicted to actually LIVE and not let food rule my life. Going through the insurance approval for the lap banding is such a stressful and time consuming task, I started to give up hope. Then seeing Oprah and Cassie talking about going to Mexico, I knew that was my only hope. My surgery date is set for Feb 27th, I CANT WAIT! I am 21 and i know I still have my whole life to live, and Im so looking forward to it. My mom and I have been a bit skeptical about going to Mexico, and paying for the surgery in full on the credit card, but seeing all of these people going to Dr. Ortiz really puts me at ease. Ive been having nightmares that Im going to get to San Diego and no one will be there to pick me up!! I really look forward to this journey, if anyone has any advice- Id love to hear it! Thank you to Cassie and her mom for getting me going. If it werent for her, I would still be battleing the insurance company.
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