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Posts posted by Kim2BSlim

  1. I was reading in Dr. Ortiz' book where he said some people do not need a fill right away or even for the first year. I had read elsewhere that the band has no restriction until you get a fill. My question is..after you are banded and before you get a fill, does food slip through your band? It seems to me that the band would restrict you in the beginning without a fill. Am I way off? :ph34r:

  2. hahahaha- yeah its a chore! the smoking wasnt tooo bad- i think my brain was consumed with the food. If you dont own a scale (like me) buy one! it will give you a little motivation with every pound lost! And my tip for the smoking, do with it what you want, dont put yourself in a situation that you know you would want to smoke! For the first weekend i stayed home away from my friends and bars bc i knew i would want to smoke! this weekend I went to a friends house for a few hours and then went home, very proud that i didnt have a beer or a cigarette! I dont know how much you smoked...i probably smoked like a pack and 1/2 a week...so i wasnt a heavy smoker...really only on the weekends! good luck. i will post about my surgery next weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P

    ps i did the slim fast optima shakes- the cappicino delight i really enjoy! i bought 2 more cases for my post op diet. and you maaaay want to start the pre op a little early to leave room for slip ups bc God knows I had them ;o)

    Thanks for the tips! I am a pack a day smoker so it is gonna be tough on me. The only times I have quit before was during my pregnancies. I am hoping my pre-op diet goes well. I need to lose 9-10 lbs before March 28th so we will see. I also bought some of those Slim Fast shakes. I am gonna start them soon. This is all so scary and exciting!!

  3. Good luck to you! How exciting that your surgery is so close! I can't wait to hear about your experience. ><'

    I have a food addiction also. I am very scared about the pre-op diet as well as quitting smoking. Can I really quit smoking AND eating at the same time? LOL What have I gotten myself into? hahaha

  4. I have so many people screaming at me to NOT go to Mexico. I have researched this so much and I cannot get people to understand that I am not going to some crazy Dr. that is gonna take my organs out and sell them. LOL

    Anyway, I guess I am just scared. I know in my heart that this is what's right.

    People have also told me that US Doctors "will not touch you" if you have complications and were banded in Mexico. I have a Dr lined up to do fills, but am worried about if something goes wrong, then what will I do?

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