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  1. Anyone?Anyone out there a long time bandster with any response?
  2. Hello all~ It's me again. The wanna be bandster. I have a question. Do any of you have a lot of sagging skin? I know with many weight loss surgeries there is a lot of skin leftover. I'm hoping with being younger(meaning hopefully my skin still has some elasticity left), and going the band route(which is not huge amounts of weight falling off so fast) that my body can fix its own skin. Especially considering my insurance will not cover it. What have been your experiences? I'd appreciate the info. Joni
  3. Hello Gals~ My name is Joni and I am food druggie. I love food. Food consumes me. I loved everything each of you had to say about yourselves. I am looking to be banded here in Oklahoma (unless my insurance will cover me in Mexico), and I have a seminar in March to go to. I can't wait! I am so tired of food controlling me. I am 25 (26 in May), 270ish, 5'5, and tired of hearing that roaring lion(my hunger). I think my problem is definately overeating (with the exception of my icecream addiction). I have all the same food issues you've had or heard of before. I hate myself because of my body. The big girl with the wonderful personality to make up for the fat. I feel shackled to this unkept temple I own. I feel like with the right tools (the lapband to keep me from overeating) and the gym membership I own but am to tired to use, I can be free from this disease. I don't know if I have any of the complications that come with weight, but I do know that I am usually more tired when I get up in the morning than when I went to bed. I know that my blood pressure borders hypertension almost every time I take it (not often, just the occassional moments at walmart lol). I can hardly fit my batwings in the cuff though. I am on antidepressants, but I didn't start taking those until after having my son. I think that was just the icing on the cake though. My self esteem was awful to begin with, then I was under pressure of trying to be the "perfect" mom. Diabetes? Who knows. I try to avoid going anywhere that requires me to step on a scale including the doctor's office. Anyway, like the rest of you, I am ready to start LIVING my life. My husband is sooo supportive of whatever I choose or don't choose to do, but I want and need this for me. I don't even know who all I am going to tell about this surgery. I don't want to hear anything from those I'm close with, good or bad. I don't need to hear "Oh, but honey, you don't look that big" HELLO!!! Can you not hear the clap of thunder from these thighs? If you look anywhere below the belt on me you will see where 90% of that 270lbs. sits. Okay, okay...I suppose it's time for me to zip it. I'm beginning to bash on myself. It's just when I am so sick of myself in this body, I totally can't see how no one else is. I love this forum, and I love each of you, even though we have never met. You are all kindred spirits fighting the same battles. All of you do it to it! Helen Keller said it best "Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow.""One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar." Start soaring in the sunshine girls. Much love and admiration, Joni
  4. I'm not banded yet, but I am hoping to be...and boy do I dream!!! ~wrapping a towel(not a beach towel either) around me without something hanging out. ~being able to take a bath with more water in it and less me;) ~having my husband being able to carry me and not the other way around (he's maybe 160 soaking wet) ~less aches and pains ~being able to wear shorts (without fear or shame...can't remember the last time I wore any in public)
  5. [snowbird~ Thanks for your detailed reply. I have blue cross blue shield. Did you not have a maximum per calendar year? I'm seriously considering Mexico more and more. I think I will give this Lori a call tomorrow.
  6. see, I don't want to keep battling this and getting more depressed about myself before i make a change. I want to do it now so I can start LIVING. I've heard from a lot of people that they don't have a taste for as much of the old "junk" foods they used to. I pray that is the case for me. Like I said, my hubby is great and not only will I have to be accountable to myself(and my scale), he will hold me to it as well. He's my greatest fan. Thanks for your input. Did you have your surgery in Mexico?
  7. hello all, posted earlier about getting banded. is it that much cheaper to do in mexico. i am in oklahoma and low on funds. my insurance covers 5,000 max per calendar year. what do you think and how do you get the ball rolling if thinking about mexico?
  8. Okay ladies, let it all fly. I am 25, 5'5, and 270. I am seriously considering lapband (and where to get it). I have a date for a seminar in march and just want some opinions on my case. I have been overweight my entire life. i've dieted before, lost the weight and regained it. I did well with the diet i was on(weight watchers). I just don't think I can do it again. I have a 1yr old now and just no time to count points and prepare my meals seperately for my family. We don't eat that unhealthy. Some people eat to live. I live to eat. I love food. I think if I had this tool (the lapband) to help me control my portions and such I can get this weight off. I am just getting desperate to quit feeling this way. I want to start loving myself and seeing myself as beautiful as others see me. Not to mention GET HEALTHY!!! My husband is phenomenal and willing to support me in whatever I choose. Also, how hard is this to finance? I am considering Dr. Gorospe in Tulsa, OK. Any news on him or your success with him? I'm willing to hear whatever you have to say. Please just be brutally honest. I am my biggest critic so you can't possibly tell me something I haven't already said to myself. Thank you for sharing
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