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Posts posted by Diva

  1. Yes yes yes. Me too I'm "hangry" - banded on Apil 30th. Only 11 days in and I'm really struggling. Last night I blew it and had a low card tortilla and some fiber cookies. I chewed the heck out of them and promised I'd be bank on track today but it's not going to be easy. I feel great, but I certainly don't want to mess things up for myself but man o man! I'm scheduled for my first fill on June 20th and am a little freaked about all these stories about people not feeling any restiction even after more than one fill. Shoot. No restriction - no point to all this. I know I've got to keep positive but it's difficult when you're hangry - yes, hungry + angry!

    Good luck. If you find "the way" please pass it on!

  2. What you are experiencing is my biggest fear. I know I'll have to do my part but without the sensation of restriction, it'll be just like the old days and what's the point of that?! Congratulations though on your weight loss thus far. That's still a lot of weight to have lost and not regained. I'm only 9 days post op and already feel as if I could eat just about anything. Darn it. I'm still sticking to my post op diet - fairly well - but am really concerned about the next 6-8 weeks before my first fill. Shoot. I'm really banking on that first fill to have an effect. It would really suck if I ended up with no restriction. Keep us posted on your journey.

    Best wishes.

  3. I don't want to accuse Dr. Ortiz of anything, sorry If i made it sound like that. He is an excellent surgeon, I am just so upset that it is flipped when I have been so careful and have done everything I had been told. I will probably call him tomorrow and see what he says, but I don't blame him. I know things happen, just stinks

    Yikes. Will you please let us know how things turn out? Did you sense that something was wrong - feel anything? I'm curious to know the whys of how this could happen. I wish you well. I'd be pretty upset too.

    Good luck.

  4. Hello there! I was banded on 4/29. I have felt truely hungry since day 3 post-op. It has been very hard for me. I had gas pains as well but the hunger pains were different. I totally cheated on the post op diet on day 3 or 4 and I wrote a post on here about it. I was worried about stretching my pouch or slipping but I was so hungry I couldnt stand it. I ended up eating a very small amount of food and felt 100% better. I have since tried very hard to keep on track but I have eaten some really runny oatmeal. I was full after about 1 cup and it really satisified my hunger pains for a long time. Good just at sticking with your post-op diet. I am slightly disappointed with myself for eating however the hunger pains were so horrible. Have a great day.


    Well, I can't say I've exactly stuck to my post op diet. Like you, I felt famished. I've gone back to my hiking routine and clear broth just wasn't cutting it. So, I took a box of Trader Joe's low soduim tomato soup and blended a cup of fabulous white beans and chicken broth into it. What a difference. I kept feeling like I was upping my calories too much but the weight keeps dropping. I really was worried about shutting down my metabolism with too few calories.

    Best wishes

  5. Diva girl, usually editing your ticker is as easy as clicking on the image and a new window should open with the ticker factory website, you just log in with your 4 digit pin and edit your weight info there...

    Somehow when you went to add the text into your signature box from the ticker website you deleted a tag... Here's how to fix it:

    Thanks MamaMichelle. Leave it to me to make this much more complicated than it is! I'll give it a try.

  6. Hello. It's 1am and my stomach is calling for food - I think. It's like having a perpetual stomach churning/growling combined with a great big gas bubble that never "pops". I really can't tell if it's gas or hunger pangs or both. I'm taking gasx which helps but my tumultuous tummy is driving me nutso. Fortunately the "gas bubble" doesn't allow me to even consider sneaking in any solids. Only in my dreams. Day 8 post op. URRRRR. Any advice? Hungry - hungry. How did your tummy feel at this point in the game?

  7. Only two people know - my husband and a fellow bandster friend. My mother lives with us and she has no idea - she'd freak. She thought we went Palm Springs and that I came back with a little stomach flu.

    I opted not to tell anyone else because I don't want the added pressure or comments from people "waiting" to see how I do - or don't do. I also think that more than a few people would think me foolish for plopping down 8K for something I "could do on my own" BLAH BLAH BLAH. Even worse, they would think I was nuts for having it done in Mexico. Maybe I could have lose weight on my own -eventually - but I was simply tired of the struggle and I had the cash - so why not? I completely believe that the band will help me finally lose my excess poundage. But on the slim (HA HA) chance it doesn't - I won't give the naysayers the satisfaction of saying "I told you so." So far so good - I love my band.

  8. Hello there,

    I was banded on April 30th and would consider my recovery thus far to have been a fairly easy one - no complications to speak of. In spite of that, I still don't feel all that comforable sitting for long periods of time. Not unbearably painful but not comfortable either. A long drive would seem quite miserable to me even at this point. The incision area sometimes feels cramped and even painful when sitting. I'm sure that everyone is different but I find that I'm most comfortable standing, walking or lying down. This was especially true in days 1-5. I spent an uncomfortable 4 hours driving home from Mexico to Los Angeles three days after surgery. For me, the thought of driving as far as you are considering would not be a happy option. Just my opinion. Best wishes.

  9. I am not a shamed! I am 42 years old and banded...... for pete's sake. #-o We "seasoned gals". :D know that at our age the weight just does not fall off.........at least that is my experience. (lol)

    I would love to hear of your experiences if your at the "wisdom age" and losing weight is not as easy as it was when we were in our 20's and 30's."


    Hi all I am 41 and just got banded this morning. I thnk it is the best decision i ever made.

  10. Hello All ~

    I have never posted to a forum...so I guess I will learn as I go. I have been considering lap band since I discovered my sister had it done a year ago. Of course, in honor of her weight loss...I gained 50 pounds! I am going through my closet to purge my "thin clothes" and am mourning...deeply mourning the days when I used to dress so fashionable. In the past three years I have gained 100 pounds and cannot seem to stop this upward trend. Middle age can't account for it all...and there is definite emotional eating and drinking going on. I am terrified to have the lap band done but see no ther choice as ideal body weight is critical to the work I do (which I cannot disclose lest my patients read). Is it worth it? Do I have to be concerned that I am getting this done out of the country? How do you all deal with the emotions underlying the eating? I HATE exercise which I know needs to change. Well, I am signing off to place all my thin clothes in a storage bin in hopes that I will fit into them again. I have bins with sizes ranging from 10 - 20!!!! Not a good night. Only positive is all the added space in my closet! Thank you in advance for listening.

    Dear Dani,

    You are definitely not alone. I share all of your concerns and am being banded in about 48 hours. My emotions are up and down and I realize that the band will only be a tool. I too am concerned about how/if/when I will deal with the underlying emotions. I don't want to screw this up but have a difficult time really imagining myself succeeding after so many failures. I know there's a way and have been inspired by people's lapband stories. If others can do it, I'm sure we can too. Best wishes.


  11. Hello again,

    Oh my gosh only three days away. Yes, I'm both excited and nervous. I know that I have to do my part but I am really praying that this band will be my saving grace. Binging is my downfall and I hope that the band will curb that urge. Honestly, I haven't done very well with the pre-op and I applaud all of you who have done so well. I'm a little stumped because if I could stick to a diet, especially a liquid one, I wouldn't need the band! Urrrr. My hat's off to you all.

    I'm driving in from the Los Angeles area on Wed the 30th for my pre-ops and look forward to meeting all of you and beginning our journey together.

    Question: How forthcoming have you all been to others about your surgery? I've only told two people who have been sworn to secrecy - my husband and a banded friend. My reason? I want to have a little success/progress before (or if) I let the cat out of the bag. I've announced so many "new diets/new programs/gonna change my life" plans if my life that I don't want to feel that certain people are watching and waiting to see whether I'll lose weight - this time. And definitely I don't want to hear any comments how I could have lost weight without the band and a little self control. Yeah right.

    See you soon!


  12. Hello,

    I can definitely understand your frustration. I've been having a hard go of the pre-diet myself. Today especially. For some reason, I began to stress about my upcoming banding date and binged. The last meal syndrome. I fear that I've gained back most of what I lost. Probably an exaggeration but if I don't get a hold of myself I certainly will. I wish you luck. And me too!


  13. Lorraine,

    I'll be rooting for you! You will be you still but a better you. I'm only a little over 3 weeks post surgery and I already have a different mindset. Take it seriously now... be determined and make the positive changes slowly but surely. Never let anyone make you feel bad about the surgery or don't tell anyone and just watch the compliments you'll get. Do a search on pre-op diet on this forum... there's enough posted. I'll be rooting for you!!!

    Hanna =D>

    Thank you all for your responses. And Hanna, congrats on your 20 lbs lost so far. That's very encouraging.

    I'm probably not the only one to have ever done this, but.... for three days after making the $$ committment to get banded, I went into a "last meal" eating frenzy. Once again, I was using food to deal with my nerves over the surgery. Shoot. Well, I'm done with that and got rid of all the junk in the house. It's time to look forward and I'm back on board - with a little help from my forum friends.

    Surgery date May 1, 2008

    Best wishes to all,


  14. There are plenty of low calorie protein powders you can buy to help keep the protein in your liquid diet. I like Unjury Unflavored it has 80 calories and 20 grams of protein you can get it at: http://www.unjury.com

    I don't recall seeing anything in Dr. Miranda's post op guidelines about sticking to 600 calories, I ate between 800-1100 calories every day for the post op diet and have lost 12lbs in my first 2 weeks! I posted a scanned copy of her exact post op guideline, use the search feature at the top right of the page and you can find it!

    Wow. Thanks for responding so quickly. You're right. I looked more closely and it's the pre-op option 1 that says "one protien shake and breakfast, lunch, and dinner, not over 225 cal per serving." Only 675 cals for the day. Yikes! I guess I'm just a big baby. It's only for seven days but considering I haven't been successful for more than one day on 1500, it's going to be quite the challenge. I'm sure going to be relying on this forum for encouragement and inspiration. Congratulations on your weight loss so far. That's exciting. Are you really not starving on 800-1100 cal post op? If not, then that little band is worth it's 'weight' in gold. HA HA. I wish it were May 1st already, my big day.

    I found the post op guideline you posted. I appreciate your help.

  15. Hello all,

    After sitting in the bank parking lot for 20 minutes this afternoon, I finally bit the bullet and paid my deposit. I guess I'm really serious this time! I just can't picture myself "banded". What will it be like? Will I still feel like me? Will I feel this wierd object in my belly? Will I really really lose weight? That's the most exciting thought. I guess I need to start visualizing myself as a normal weight person. It's hard for me to even wrap my mind around the possibility. Prior to paying my deposit, I was so nervous that all I wanted to do was eat. Funnily enough, my stomach was just too nervous - even for eating. I can't tell you how helpful this forum has been. I'm grateful and indebted to so many of you for your stories.

    My main concern now is the dreaded pre-op and post-op diet. The 600ish calorie diet is scary. Even though any muscle I have is camoflauged by fat, I've worked very hard to build the little I do have. For the short periods of time (two weeks max) I've been able to stick to a 1500 cal diet, I've lost weight. Won't I lose muscle mass by such a 600 calorie diet? I guess I need to consult with the nutritionist but I was wondering if anybody might have some personal insight.

    It boils down to the old "How do I just lose the fat but keep the muscle" question.

    Best wishes,


  16. I posted these instructions before but it was buried in another thread so here it is for those who still want to add a ticker!

    Here is how to make the weight loss tickers (for those who are still trying):

    First visit this link (I suggest doing it in a separate window)


    Select your ticker ruler- click next

    Select your ticker slider- click next

    Enter in your weight information and create a pin- click next

    Use Ctrl+C to cut the text from the first box (aka the bbCode box)

    Return to the lapbandforum.com site by clicking on this link to Edit your signature:


    Use Ctrl+V to paste the ticker info into the signature box

    Click- Update my signature and you should see the ticker image at the top of that page,

    if you see just text something is wrong!

    Hope this helps!

    Thanks for the fabulous instructions. I would have spent hours trying to figure it out on my own. Best wishes,


  17. HI all,

    just wanted to let you all know about my awesome experience.

    Hubby and I arrived in san diego on the 10th at 830 we were picked up promptly and taken directly to the clinic..this was the worst part as we waited a lot to see the dentist and nutritionist and then were told we would have to see the heart dr the next day. So, we were then taken back to the hotel, it was nice...not fancy but very clean and nice. We went to the restraunt there I had fajitas they were simply awesome and then we went and did a little shopping. THen to to bed for the next day.

    We were picked up by mrs ortiz around 730..got to the clinic and from there everything is a blur.....They were sooo wonderful, kind, caring, concerned. I felt so safe!~ Was visited by Dr martinez, dr oritiz, and the anesthesiologist. I was very scared about the IV as I am a terrible stick..it only took the nurse two sticks and she was in...YIPEEE and then came the good drugs..I slept until my surgery and don't even remember going into the OR. Hubby said it took 50 minutes from the time I left till I came back. The night was good, they kept me pain free and offered us juice, popsicles etc...

    We left the next morning and I was ready to go shopping :rolleyes: I couldn't believe how very good I felt. IT may have been a bit much...but we shopped for four hours and then I slept the rest of the day/night...got up a couple of times to walk.

    The next day we came home...that was the worst part...the flight was long and I was pretty sore. the gas is the worst part and as of today my shoulder still hurts..if that would go away I would feel GREAT!!! still am planning a night out with friends tomorrow.

    I would tell anyone thinking of doing this to get on it! Don't wait another day....just do it! I am so happy and don't feel hungry at all. It is an amazing feeling. I had lost 16lbs presurgery..so was at 184.6 ( i started at 200 and am 5'2") and have already lost another 2lbs....if I keep this up I am going to be soooo happy!

    And not to mention healthy!

    Thanks so much to all of you at the clinic and Lori for listening to all my worries

    I am looking forward to going back for my first fill in a few weeks...

    take care all


    Thanks Krista,

    Reading your story helps oodles. Funnily enough, our height and beginning weight are near exact. Hopefully I'll do half as well on the pre-op diet! Congratulations.

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