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Everything posted by BrooklynIrish59

  1. Congratulations Kimra....Isn't it a great feeling to find out everything everyone says about the OCC is absolutely true. Good luck over the next few days. Barb
  2. I'm so disappointed and so excited at the same time. About 2 months ago I found a really nice denim top in my then current size of 3x. It still had the tags on it. Even though it fit on top, it was tight at the gut and hips (my lifelong problem). I figured once I dropped a few pounds post band, I could wear it. Well I tried it on this weekend and OMG, it looked like I was swimming in it. Not only were the shoulders falling off, the gut and hip area was huge as well. Obviously, this top showed how many inches I lost in addition to the 11 pounds I lost post op. When I showed my husband, he thought I was wearing one of his shirts. He's 6'2 and about 275 lbs. I've still been wearing so many of my pre-band big tops, I guess I hadn't noticed how much of a difference I've gone through. I'm still in that fat girl mentality. Woohoo...I love my band! Barb
  3. Congratulations MOM12, Isn't it amazing...you read everything that is posted on this forum about the OCC and the hotel and you feel like you really know the place. Then once you get there, it all seems so surreal. Now you are in that wonderful famous place you read all about in these forums. Glad to hear you have very little discomfort. I was the same way, none of the shoulder gas pains alot of people experience. I just had to be careful getting up or down. Congratulations again! =D> =D> =D> =D> Barb
  4. Hi Doolittle and Lock27... Thanks Doolittle for telling the forum about Dr. Vitello in Downers Grove. I was happy to find a doctor nearby (well at least closer than Mexico) who is willing to take on the Mexico patients AND uses fluoro. I'm in Fort Wayne and the few doctors we have here either don't do fluoro, but will take the Mexico patients, or have the fluoro, but turn their noses up at the OCC patients. I'm trying to get scheduled for my first fill with Dr. Vitello...it's funny doing all this through email. I didn't ask if I could just call for an appointment. He's responses in email are very simple and abrupt. If I once thought traveling down to Mexico for surgery seemed a little shady, now trying to schedule an appointment "discreetly" through email seems even stranger. LOL. Have you used Dr. Vitello consistently for your fills? Do you just go to the hospital first? or do you go to Dr. Vitello's office? Lock27....when are you going for your fill? He has offered me May 23rd, which is 3 days short of 5 weeks since surgery. I don't know if that's too soon. It will take me about 4 hours to drive to Downers Grove from Fort Wayne and due to my job, Fridays are the best time to take off...and due to Dr. Vitello's schedule, his availability is limited. I feel fine, very little restriction. What restriction I do have is self imposed simply because I fear stretching the pouch. I just don't want to test the limits of my band and have an episode of PBing/sliming. I consider myself very lucky considering all those on the forum who have had some nasty moments. I am so looking forward to this first fill so I can finally get the full impact of what this band is all about. Barb
  5. <whisper> Call Lori! I agree...I dealt with Lori who offered the surgery originally @ $ EDIT, then went down to $ EDIT. Barb
  6. Thanks Michelle for this article. FINALLY, a one stop shop of information. I think I've hit bandster hell a week early. On Monday I will be banded 2 weeks and already I find myself not completely satisfied with the shakes or soup, so I've been picking here and here and testing my band for what doesn't stay down. Fortunately or unfortunately, however, you want to look at it, I've had no episodes of PBing and have lost 9 lbs in 2 weeks. The article has given me the incentive to stop whining and remind myself, I did this knowing I was "ready to go the distance". Barb
  7. It's interesting how all the prices differ. When my friend and I scheduled our banding, we had no clue how the hospital and hotel rooms were set up so we offered to share a room in the hopes it would save us some money. We both paid $ EDIT each. However, we each had a private hospital room AND we each had a separate hotel room. We would have shared the hotel room, in fact that's what we expected. There were only 6 of us that got banded on 4/21 so they didn't even use the "semi-private" rooms. I guess unless you ask, you don't get! Barb
  8. OK...Call it a blonde thing....but I'm still not seeing the video/link for the lap band techinque...HELP...you've got me curious! Barb
  9. Congratulations Michelle....your pictures look fantastic! Good Job!
  10. OK...I got banded on 4/21, so today is one week. I've been very good about following the post-op guidelines on WHAT to drink. Now I enter into my 7th day and am now include liquid yogurt, creamy soups and protein drinks. Exactly how much of these should I be having? This morning, starting @ 7 am I had a Dannon liquid yogurt, 2 hours later an Optifast, then Special K protein water. At lunch I had a Slimfast, more protein water during the afternoon. After work I had some beef broth, then another Slimfast. I tried a few spoonfuls of creamy potato soup. Around 9:30 I drank another Optifast...not necessarily because I was hungry, just thinking I should be having lots to drink and lots of protein. Was this too much? I don't think the calories even hit 1000. I actually did better last week with just the chicken broth, protein water and tea. I have dropped about 5 lbs since banding. HELP!!!!!! Barb
  11. Everyone starts their pre-op diet at different times. Some have started it 2 months in advance of their surgery not just to lose a larger amount, but to get a jump start. This way if you have a bad few days and cheat, you have time to get back on the wagon. I started my pre-op about 2 weeks before the surgery and did a liquid diet using Optifast ready made drinks and then a lean cuisine at night. I also made sure I got out and did some walking 3-4 nights a week. I managed to lose about 12 of the 15 lbs Dr. Miranda wanted me to lose before surgery. If you can eliminate some of the excess body fat around your stomach before surgery it's in your best interest and makes it easier for the surgeon too. Don't wait until your doctor's visit. Try beginning your diet ASAP, increasing your proteins and eliminating as much fat from your diet as you can. I'm one week post op and on liquids with non fat yogurt drinks and protein drinks. For me, the pre-op diet also made the transition to the post-op diet easier. Good luck with your surgery....I'm so happy I got banded! Barb
  12. Hi deparis and Redgridj, It's natural to get nervous before this kind of surgery, especially if you're traveling out of the country to do it. I am in the healthcare profession and in the past would swear only by my NY physicians. It all felt a little strange to be slipping into Mexico for surgery. Up to the night before leaving for Mexico, I kept thinking I could back out and all that would be lost would be the deposit and the airfare. But I can assure you, all the positive feedback you read here is the real thing! The staff is absolutely wonderful, they know you're nervous and they are quick to put your mind at ease. It's been four days since I was banded and unless I look down at my belly and see my scars, I keep thinking it was just a dream. Other than the expected gas from abdominal surgery, I feel wonderful. No shoulder pain, no chest pain....hell, I have more pain from the sunburn I got while sitting down at the pool. You are at this point in your life because you want to take control. You get to make all the decisions and because YOU are in control, you will do everything it takes to make this successful. Good luck to both of you. Barb
  13. Good Luck Wendy....you are in excellent hands!
  14. Lisa and I bought Maderma while in TJ for $12 at one of the pharmacies, another girl in our group Linda bought the scar cream from the OCC. We compared scars at our fill date and they looked the same. The BEST looking scars belonged to Evette who was banded a full month after us, and who used nothing on her scars (I'm not sure if that's what made the difference or if she just has amazing skin) hers were already totally white and faded it was INSANE!!! We were all so jealous.... lol I had a total hysterectomy via scope on 2/6 and ended up with 4 incisions. I didn't used any scar cream on them. I got banded on 4/21 and THOSE incisions look better 4 days out than the ones from February. Who knows, maybe we owe it to our skillful OCC surgeons. Barb
  15. Well, that little piece of advice made me feel a whole lot better, thanks Redgridj....I kind of suspected the abdominal surgery would leave me feeling a little bloated, but didn't realize about the water retention from the sunburn...OMG are my legs red! I also realized tonight that I haven't gone to the bathroom (you know, #2) since last Saturday.....makes me think of a joke from Ron White of Blue Collar Comedy...he was talking about going to the bathroom and I think the joke went something like this " did you ever take a crap so big your pants fit better afterwards....well I'm 1 turd away from a whole new wardrobe". Yep, I can understand where he's coming from! Barb
  16. I just got in from Mexico. Apparently the clinic is not open on Sundays for pre-op. So when Francisco dropped us off at the hotel, he said to be ready in the lobby for a 7:00 am pickup. The six of us got to the clinic and then everything started happening immediately. I know I'm in the healing phase right now, but I can't believe from not eating anything since Sunday night, I've actually gained 5 lbs. I'm feeling really bloated. The last meal I had was Sunday night at a Mexican restaurant called La Differencia, the food was awesome. In addition to shopping, we took advantage of the beautiful weather by the pool and I got a little too much sun. My thighs are the worst, making it hard to really do much walking. I'm suppose to go back into work tomorrow, but I think I'll just stay home and take it easy. Barb
  17. The hotel had free computer use, 2 PCs. The keyboard seemed to give me the most problem. There were some symbols I couldn't pull up, such as @aol.com. For some reason, that little a in the circle was on the keyboard but wouldn't appear in type. As long as you get on the internet, you can access any service you use. I use aol, my friend used Verizon and we were also about to get into our work emails as well. The computers at the OCC are so much better and no special password is needed. I'm using it right now. It's 4:22 am and I'm up walking due to the gas, not painful, just uncomfortable. Surgery was yesterday. Barb And no I'm not hungry. I last ate at 7 on Sunday night.
  18. OOPS....I didn't know that Jena was still signed on when I started posting....it's me, Barb AKA Bjansert who just finished the surgery along with my friend MaryEllen. WE FINALLY MADE IT!!!! There are six of us here, Julie from Vancouver, a husband and wife team from Florida, Carrier and Dag and Bonnie from Massachusetts. AND WE ARE ALL DONE. We're betting on marathons in the hallways.....Gentleman start your IV bottles..... OK...read everything above, but know it's from BJansert, not Jenn
  19. Well thanks ladies for that information....when the liquid shakes are all you're having, you start looking forward to them in lieu of food. At least we can enjoy our Sunday in Mexico, take a strawberry shake, pour it into a Margarita glass and pretend. We can deal with Monday, when Monday comes! Talk to you next week after I've joined the Band. Barb
  20. If you're arriving on a Sunday for Monday banding, does the OCC do the pre-op testing on Sunday or Monday morning? I'm wondering because I'm not sure when I'm suppose to start fasting. I get banded Monday, 4/21. WOOHOO! I'm arriving around 1:00 pm on Sunday. I know, it's a hell of a time to ask...the day before I leave! My friend and I are both being banded and she believes they'll do the testing Monday morning and has plans to continue drinking her liquids through Sunday. I'm the anal one and don't want to screw up on these pre-ops. With my luck, I'll fast and find out the test won't be until Monday. I hate it when she's right! Anyone have the experience? Barb
  21. Wow, this is an interesting topic! For the last two weeks as I have been gradually losing weight pre-operatively, I start questioning myself....if I can lose this weight doing it this way, WHY put myself through a surgery? Why not just keep doing what I'm doing? My husband supports me, but isn't thrilled about me flying out of the country for this type of surgery. "I love you just the way you are" he tells me....he's a keeper for sure! BUT Redhead is right...this is no different than others, like smokers who need to where a patch to help them quit. And let's face it with those of us who struggle with our weight, sometimes it's not JUST about overeating, but dealing with genetics. At the beginning of this year, I declared 2008 the year I take care of ME. Eventually with the bands help, I will learn to listen to my body about food intake and I will learn portion control and wise choices. And after a while, it won't feel like a struggle, it will become a way of life. I made one last trip to my family doctor yesterday before surgery. While she certainly recommends the lap band surgery, she reminded me that even with the band, I have to make it work. AND I WILL! So no, I don't feel the least bit guilty....I'm going to be laughing all the way to the skinny clothing store! Welcome back MamaMichelle! I'm leaving tomorrow morning for my band on Monday.
  22. Doolittle, How did you figure in the gas, unless you filled the car at the time and saved the receipt? I've already figured I can use the airfare cost and of course the cost of the surgery package. I'm having my fills back here in Indiana. I know I can deduct the cost of the fills, but what about getting to the doctors office? Chart mileage? I didn't think you could also include the cost of the meals too. The office that is going to do the fills is making me study a manual and take a 20 question quizz (understanding your band) at the time of my consult and first fill. They charged $75.00 for the manual. I'm guessing that comes off the taxes too! My husband and I have had some added medical expenses this year, so I guess I'm concerned that this increase of medical cost is going to red flag my taxes. That's why I'm making sure I have that doctors note....just in case. Barb
  23. WOW...good luck with your colonoscopy. I'm with Kimmie....I would want my doctor to know I've been banded, just in case. But I can understand Twigs not wanting to divulge that information. Of course, my husband knows I'm getting banded, but my family thinks I'm going to San Diego on office business and my office thinks I'm going to a family reunion. I just gotta keep 'em straight! Let's see what Blazn finds out from her Doctor friend. I would be curious to hear about that! Barb
  24. Hi Dee.... I'm not on any BP meds, but I have noticed while on the liquid pre-op diet my BP has dropped considerably. Mine has been hovering at 158/80 for quite a while and now since I've been losing the weight for the surgery, the last two readings were at 128/70. In my case, I have to believe it's definitely from eating better...duh...not eating at all. But in your case a combination of the weight loss and the medication could account for the low BP. With the change in meds and continued weight loss, it should even itself out, but it's still a good idea to give your doctor frequent updates. Do you have a home BP monitor? You can always get one at Walmart or a drug store. My doctors office has no problem with me stopping in for a quick BP check to record in my chart. Good luck and keep us posted. Barb
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