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Everything posted by Lealove

  1. Hi All, I love this forum, I am addicted to checking so many times per day. I will be banded on May 26th and I am just counting down the days. I have been reading everything I can about the surgery, pre, post and I was curious about has anyone had problems with depression or emotions after the surgery. I know that when you lose weight it is such an AMAZING feeling and it makes me personally so happy and energetic. But thinking about the surgery and knowing that it does change your life, socially as far as going out to eat, celebrating etc... I know with gastric bypass surgery they really make you go through counseling etc.. to be prepared for the change. Anyone out there had to address this/?? Please do not get me wrong, I wish I had done this years ago to get off the diet/lose weight/gain even more/ be totally embarrassed/ new diet/ etc...... "Merry go round" but something made me have these issues....... LeaLove
  2. So is the goal to drink as much water as you can between meals? This won't stretch your pouch? I guess it just would go right through?? If I drink coffee first thing in the morning do I then wait an hour before my breakfast?
  3. I agree with everything!! I cannot wait to just want to go out and about!!!! I am in the Atlanta area too!! It is already way too hot for me!
  4. Hello All, I will be banded three weeks from tomorrow and I am just wishing time would fly by until then!! It is really strange how I thought that I would just be going crazy eating everything I love because I won't be able to after the surgery but I am just kind of "normal" about food. I have not been "normal" about food in 20 years. Isn't the mind a strange thing?? It's like forbidden things are not so appealing when you set yourself free about them........I am getting deep lately!! Maybe my body/mind are so ready for health that it is just giving me peace or something!! Enough rambling, I wanted to know what some of you packed for your trip. Did you take ALOT of drinks/teas/etc. or did you just buy things at the hotel as you needed it. Also, how much cash did you take for just daily time there not shopping......... What did you WISH you had taken and did not??? Thanks for everything, I get inspired every time I read this forum... LeaLove
  5. Can we not take regular swallowable (is that a word??) vitamins?? Does it have to be liquid or chewable??
  6. I want to say "thank you " to all of you who respond to all of my questions......it really is so helpful and encouraging. When I travel at the end of May what specifically should I pack. Is there anything you wish you had taken? Do I need to take liquids form myself to drink after the surgery? (apple juice, protein drinks, etc....) Do you take vitamins or antibiotics at that time? Is the water safe to drink or should I bring bottled water or is it fairly inexpensive there? I am trying to pack very light but I want to be sure I have what I need. Thanks, LeaLove
  7. That is good to know! Were you checked again by the nurse/doctor during the rest of your stay?? Before you went home two days later???
  8. Hi again all, I will banded on May 26th and my new concern is will I be successful..... Long story short (hopefully). I am turning 44 next month and I have gained and lost about 1000 pounds over the last 20 years. If you knew me, you would know that I am ALWAYS on a diet. It is embarrassing........ I have done every diet available, joined every program, etc...... I always lose,but after about 6 months I gain it all back and a lot more very quickly. I want to get off this merry go round so Lapband is my chance, I hope, for a normal life and a normal weight. I know I have to do my part and I am in the mindset that I am going to follow all the instructions given to me ( I am an all or nothing gal) I know it is a tool and it will be up to me to use it the way it is meant to be. Is there anyone out there with the same merry go round life of dieting that finally got off and is now normal with the Lapband??? I just want to be healthy..... Thanks!! LeaLove
  9. I will be banded on May 26 and my sister is going with me. Can she stay in my room the night I spend in the hospital. Do we completely check out of the hotel or do we get the same room when we go back. She wants to stay with me that night in the hospital if they will allow it and there is somewhere for her to sit/lay down. All of you are truly an inspiration!
  10. Hi Crissi, Have you started any preop eating/dieting? I will be arriving on the 25th with my sister. What is S/O?? I have tried and tried to figure it out! Hee hee... Also, Can our travel person/family stay in the hospital room with us the night we spend the night???? I am so excited to be doing this, I look forward to meeting you in person!! Shannon
  11. Hi All, I will be banded on May 26th and I have to have two cups of coffee with cream and sweet & low every morning. Am I going to have to give this up? If so, I better start now or I will have major caffeine withdrawal! Thanks, Lea
  12. Hi All, I will be banded on May 26. My sister is scheduled to be banded too. She is unsure if she is really going to go through with it. I am usually the one with anxiety but after reading this forum, it has helped me. It does scare me a little to think I will be having surgery in Tijuana. Did everyone feel safe while you were there?? Thanks for any info./advice Lea
  13. Anyone out there scheduled for Memorial Day, May 26th in TJ???
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