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Posts posted by Caroline

  1. Dontondan, I am so sorry to hear that you are having such troubles. Hope it gets better soon. I am having trouble with eating left over meat of any kind. I don't know if it is because it dries out when it is reheated or what, but boy oh boy talk about pain. I have not PB'ed yet as no slim or nothing else coming up. It might feel better if it did. Does the papaya work? I have never heard of it before.

  2. I had my first fill yesterday and I an so excited. It is the real deal now for my new life journey. I can not wait to see how this wonderful band works. I had a 2cc fill in a 10cm band, which I was told holds approx. 4cc's. I have one more day of liquids and then I get to use my new tool! I have gone down three clothes sizes since I started this journey with the phone call to OCC to schedule the surgery. I am stocked!!!! :D

  3. I feel your pain and I empathize with you :lb12: I will be eight weeks post op on July 8th. I have not lost any weight for 6 weeks. I ahve not gain any but sure wanted instant gratification, as always. I have my first fill on the 8th :lol: I am so looking forward to that. I have ro remind myself that this part of my journey was not meant for me to lose pounds. It is for me to heal and prepare for the rest of my life. Once I have restriction I hope to finally see more pounds diapear never to return.

    Don't be so hard on youself, would you be this hard to a freind? I doubt it you seem to be a very caring person, so be kind to yourself you deserve it :)

  4. I chew the heck out of gum. I am sure that you swallow some are, depending on how you chew I guess. Do not swallow the gum, that would be a terrible PB I would imagine. I use gum when I have head hunger or when I am stressed instead of reaching for the food as I have done for so many years. Gum before surgery can cause you to have more acid in your stomach due to fact that your stomach senses you are eating something and it goes to work. Check with the Dr. if planning on chewing while doing the fast. Hope this helps, it is only my opinion and thoughts. Have a great day ;)

  5. I had severe bruising after the surgery, mine was a reaction to the blood thinner they gave me before surgery. That is what caused the sernona hematoma. I had to go back to TJ and have a second surgery to move my port site and clean up the first one and stitch it up on the first one. Dr, O told me never to let anyone give me a blood thinner again. They even gave me an injection of vitamin K befoe the second surgery to promote clotting. One way to tell if you had a reaction is if the injection site has a huge bruise around it and the area itched like crazy. Hope things go well for you, keep us posted.

  6. Donna and Calicat, thank you for the offers of riding along, you two are so nice to offer. Unfortunately I have committed to watching my grandchildren that day since I did not think I was going to go. It is not unfortunate that I am watching my grandchildren, I love that. Sorry that I committed and now cannot go with ya'll.

    A new grandbaby!!!! Congrats and enjoy your visit :wub:

  7. Welcome to the land of band! =D> Sounds like you are doing well. Follow your doctors orders. I liked the cream of tomato soup that is made by Pacific. It is in a carton, I found it in the soup section at the grocery store. There is a roasted pepper one that is good too. I also sipped on special K protien water throughout the day. And fudgecycles or sugar free popcycles were wonderful. Be careful though as some people have a hard time with cold things, I have not had that problem. Keep us posted on your progree. You are worth it as you log in states :)

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