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About YoungNY

  • Birthday 11/19/1984

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  • Gender
  • Location
    New York

YoungNY's Achievements


Newbie (1/4)



  1. Oh, I'm from upstate New York. Not at all familiar with NYC.
  2. Thanks everyone for the warm welcome and kind replies. I have found this forum very helpful and I hope I will be able to contiune to stay on this fourm after I tell you all that I'm not having the surgery in Mexico or by Dr. Ortiz at the OCC. I'm having the surgery done at my local hospital in upstate New York. I just wanted a forum to chat with fellow banders and this is only forum that I've found that has worked for me. I hope you all will let me stay and contiune to chat. Thanks again.
  3. Ok, Hi, I'm new here. My name is Ty. I just got approved for the lap band surgery and my date is on June 3rd. I'm trying to get myself ready and find out from previous banders what it is that I'm going to need post-op. What should I take to the hospital? What should I have at home? What should I except? What's the pain like? And things like that. Thanks for the help in advance.
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