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Everything posted by OSuzanna

  1. Hi I'm getting my bank on June (Friday) the 13th I know there are quite a few of us who have either just had the lap band put in or getting ready too; how about letting us know what you know - tips, tricks, certainly what to avoid, help with post op pain and discomfort. By reading posts I've heard some good things that I'm using or going to be using such as Phayzine and the great protein shake mix you can get at GNC. I'm especially concerned with the first month post op - I'm sure there's a lot of info you guys can share abouth that. Thanks in advance for any info you can provide. Suzanna p.s. I'm still trying to get a picture posted, but I'm having trouble - even using Michelles instructions and using Photobucket any help here would also be appreciated.
  2. Hi, thanks guys - good advice! I know there are quite a few of us who have either just had the lap band put in or getting ready too; how about letting us know what you - tips, tricks, certainly what to avoid, help with post op pain and discomfort. By reading posts I've heard some good things that I'm using or going to be using such as Phayzine and the great protein shake mix you can get at GNC. I'm especially concerned with the first month post op - I'm sure there's a lot of info you guys can share abouth that. Thanks in advance for any info you can provide. Suzanna p.s. I'm still trying to get a picture posted, but I'm having trouble - even using Michelles instructions and using Photobucket any help here would also be appreciated. p.p.s. I fell like a have a whole bunch of new friends!
  3. Hi, I'm Suzanna and I'm having my surgery on Friday the 13th. I've been reading lots and lots of your posts and getting some very helpful info (especially shopping on Revolution Ave.!) and some scarry info like things getting stuck and bad gas, etc. WHAT IS PBing, is that actually throwing up? Pre op is very hard for me, because had to quit smoking, and drinking (I love my mimosas!) and go on a liquid diet all at the same time. Needless to say I'm not doing so well. I do great during the day, but once I'm home from work I'm really bad. I haven't gained any weight, but I probably haven't lost any either. I'm really going to try and be good for the next three days. Anyway, I'm really excited and scared and very hopeful.
  4. Hi Lisa:

    I meant to say, "thanks for your note..."

    I just read a couple of other peoples posts and I feel better because apparently there's a problem loading pictures, which is what I'm trying to do.

    Good thing though, it keeps my mind off of the surgery. I really want to do this, but sometimes I feel like chickening out. Did you have those feelings too

  5. th_DSC06351-1-1.jpg

    Thanks for your Lisa, I'm ready!!!

    Right now I'm just trying to figure out all the bells and whistles on how to "blog" - I don't even know if that's the righ word to use.


  6. Hi, I'm Suzanna and I'm getting banded on Friday the 13th!!!!!! p.s. How do you add that ticker thing - this is my first chat room experience.
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