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Posts posted by banded4life

  1. There is a cookbook called Recipes For Life that you can get through Amazon. The link is below. I love it! Also, I use a website (www.recipezaar.com) that has lots of high protein recipes. All you have to do is go to the website and search for high protein. It will give you something like 8000 options.

  2. Wow. Thank you all for such incredibly fast responses...and all relevant, too! I truly appreciate all the positive support I'm getting, nudging me in the right direction. I was afraid of the answers regarding soda. Let it be known now...

    {standing} My name is Daniel, and I'm a carbonation addict.

    I drink on average between 4 and 6 cans of soda each day (mostly diet). I love the feeling of the cold fizziness on my throat. But if that's one of the habits I need to kick, I think the results will be worthwhile.

    As far as the spicy foods answer, I'm very happy.


    Thanks again for the help.

    Don't worry. I used to drink at least 10 (but usually more than that) diet cokes a day. Believe it or not, once you through the first few weeks, you really don't miss it. I feel so much better with out it. My joints no longer hurt. I feel so much better that I am not even going back to it after my 6 months is up!!!

  3. Oh my gosh Alana! My sister in law is like that too. She is a plus sized girl too and is having some success on Weight Watchers which I tried and failed. When I told her I was having lap band surgery she was like... whatever that's the easy way I'm going to tough it out and do it the hard way. It's funny how people think this is the easy way. I struggle everyday with making the correct food choices, do I want chili fries or a chicken salad? I could easily go for the chili fries but I CHOOSE to eat the chicken salad. This is a lifestyle change and not a diet and that makes it even harder to work towards.

    The funny thing is I just found out from my niece that her mom, my sister in law that criticized me, looked into the surgery also and her insurance wouldn't cover it so I've come to the conclusion that she is just jealous that I had the surgery and she didn't!

    Don't let anyone ever make you feel bad about your choice! We all know that we made the right decision and that we WILL achieve our goals!


    The problem with Weight Watchers is that once people hit their goal weight and go into the maintance program, the majority of people tend to gain all their weight back plus more. When you have reached your goal weight and she weighs more that she did to begin with, remind her of her statement!!!

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