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Posts posted by banded4life

  1. I agree with everyone else. I have tried so many "diets". I can loose the weight on these "diets" but once I am in the maintance stage so to speak, I gain all the weight back plus more. That is what makes the band different. It is a tool, not a diet. I just got to the point where I was fed up, and now I am embracing this new lifestyle change!

  2. I have heard of several couples that have had it done. Also, I did not have any trouble lifting children once I got home. I have an extremely supportive husband. He is my best friend and he has done so much to help me with my weight loss. Sounds like you may have a husband like that as well. Do you any close friends that would be willing to watch your son? Explain to them that this prosess is necessary to ensure that you are around and healthy throughout your sons life.

  3. How do y'all fit these in to your day? I though we weren't suppose to have the shakes anymore, but I know I am not getting all the protein I need. I would love to find a good whey protein that is unflavored and not very expensive. That way I could add it to my sweet tea (Made with Splenda of course!). If anybody knows of one, let me know please!

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