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Everything posted by julieburns

  1. WELCOME and I think you'll be pleased you found this forum. TONS of info so much you could read for days on end I am sure. I was just banded 6/4/08 and am doing quite well. You'll love the OCC. I could tell you so much but most of it is already written in other peoples posts. Good luck on your prre-op diet and since you have so much time to do it start asap, don't wait until just 2 weeks to modify what you're eating cause then the pressure is on. If you even follow the 2 shakes and a lean cuisine diet and add a few snacks starting as soon as you can then cut it down to just those items 2 weeks before you'll be happy you did. Also I think another tip is to travel LIGHT....really I stuffed 1 backpack and only used 1/2 of what I took really. Some other tips are to take some bouillon cubes or packets with you for the plane home or just even at the hotel. Their broth is very good but it's about $5 a bowl and you only eat half of it. That's all I can think of for now. Good luck and congratulations for making this huge decision. I too almost had the whole bypass surgery a year ago and am so thankful I didn't, even if insurance paid for it but not ther lap band. They now pay for both but I don't have that insurance anymore. Anyway enjoy your countdown to being a bandster for life!!
  2. Gosh Yorkimommie you are so informative....LOL and very nice to add all the links for the questions. Anyway about the glue. No it's not holding anything together, it's a type of adhesive dressing that just covers your incision. The stitches are on the inside and dissolve. My glue is looking pretty gross or as you put it warn and tired. My incision is a little red but only hurts if I push on it....so I don't !!!!Anyway I remember Dr. someone saying to try and just let it come offf on it's own..it's driving me nuts too and I have been picking at it a little the last few days. It should stay on 2-3 weeks to do it's job of keeping your would clean and free from infection until it's healed enough to be open. I like the idea of the Mederma I completely forgot about that stuff, I'm going to buy some tomorrow. Hope this helps but as others said if it is warm to the touch or at all oozing be sure to see a doctor. I also think the antiobiotic cream can't hurt as a preventative at this point since the glue is starting to come off. Good luck!!
  3. Thanks yorkiemom for all the info. I am still trying to decide if I can afford to fly down or not. My girlfriend had her first fill here in Portland without fluoro and had done ok. I just don't want to risk any damage that might happen not using the fluoro. I've been wavering and need some more infor if there is any moe to help me decide. Also if I don't work some OT I might not be able to afford it. But as I type that I think the $$$$$ should not have to dictate my opportunity for the best healthcare I can get. Anyway enough of my rambling while I try and decide. I don't think I can get that day off because I'd have to trade it and that' hard to do in the summertime. I'll keep you posted.
  4. Hey Cathy I hope your post-op is going well. I remember I was just tired and slept alot. I liked the chicken broth I made from the packets or powder rather than the already made stuff. I think it was way too bland for me. The sugar free jello pre-made little cups were very handy too. Popsicles seemed to be my favorite hands down. I thank you for all your posts and really taking this to heart.....Take care
  5. I am curious about the oatmeal. It seems like it has little chunks from each oat itself. I would probably blend it but don't know for sure. I havn't tried anything except soup and did blend it when I ate it to get the chunks out. I hear that cream of wheat with skim milk is thin enough to eat. Anyone else know about oatmeal?
  6. Thanks Lisal. This has been a learning experience for sure. Thanks cedartown for recognizing this to be over. I do appreciate you candidness and I believe your really a good person to post so many times and take an active part in this forum. Sorry about the whole thing and YEAH................Let's lose some more weight!!! I've been following the plan by the letter so I have confidence my head is in the right spot now. I do want to succeed and make this the last time I do this weight loss gig. I've been drinking tons of water and other calorie free drinks like crystal light to help stop the hunger pains. It's a beautiful sunny day here in PDX and any day I get to wear my sunglasses is a GREAT day!!! I've even got shorts on and the ones I wore last summer are way too big....I've lost 40 pounds since last september the last 10 since I got banded. I think being active in this forum is relly helping me too. Thanks for all of you who take the time to post because it is like opening a new book each time I come to the computer. Keep it up everyone!!
  7. I wish I NEVER even posted my mistake. I thought this was closed. For someone to go ahead and quote it again seems to just add fuel to the fire. I am shocked at all the controversy and feel like I can't ever post anything honest again. I expected to get all sorts of opinions but a few were just not nice. Period. Let's end this once and for all and move on.....
  8. I am so glad you scheduled it already. How are you getting to the OCC from the airport? Are you staying overnight? At the Lucerna? I was thinking of trying to do it the same day but I have to work that day. I think I will look at scheduling for the 18th? May I ask how much it costs if you are using them for transportation and the hotel per night? Any other details I should know about? Thank for the info and I love reading your posts. Thank for the support. It's funny how the whole soup thing was such drama for everyone. I can't even think of the unnamed soup without LOL. Anyway glad everyone is moving on. Hope you're weekend goes without too much stress. I think the idea of just saying your stomach is bothering you and maybe you and Kim even might have the same little bug or something like that is great if anyone asks at your family get together
  9. Today is my wonderful husband's 45th birthday. He has been so supportive to me. He's been doing all his own cooking and going to the store for us while I didn't feel like it. I am suprising him with a big bag of very special BBQ stuff from this great fresh quality butcher shop. I got all his favorites including pepperoni stix so he can put some in the freezer and enjoy the rest. I plan to cook for him tonight which will be a surprise to him to say the least. I have to work this weekend and he's working saturday so it will be just getting the regular weekend chores taken care of and hopefully some R&R for him on Sunday. Not doing anything for father's day as both of our are out of town, also I work. I'm glad I don't have to face a big dinner because no matter what it's a stressful time with all that food around no matter how strong a person is. Good luck to all and Happy Father's Day to any father's out there who read this!!
  10. First of all I want you to know how much I have gleaned from all of your posts. You truly inspire me. To answer your question I believe you should tell him the whole truth and explain it like you did to us. It may be your body now would accept .3 or more because you don't have the swelling and you're just that much further from your original banding. Especially since you have the 72 hours to get it fixed if it is too much. Honesty is always the best policy. Trust the experience of the Doctor and make sure you have enough time to really talk about it so you feel comfortable (literally) with the amount!!!
  11. You are not alone. I think if you've struggled for years as I did too then you deserve to check out the lap band. I got mine 9 days ago from Dr. Ortiz after months of researching. They are great at the OCC and will spend the time talking with you if you just take the first step and call. You won't regret it. Good luck
  12. Ok I've tried this and I don't think it is working. I get a little box with a question mark showing instead of the star. Thanks for all your help MamaMichelle with the technical stuff. And by the way you look GREAT!!
  13. I can't believe what I did. Last night I was feeling so hungry and deprived and had done great all day. I got home from work at 10:30pm and ate 2 bowls (1/2-3/4cup each) of the Safeway baked potato and bacon soup. It tasted so good!!!I chewed and chewed and chewed and it caused no problems. I thinks it's yorkiemoms fault for mentioning it in the forum.....just teasing really I only have myself to blame!!. Anyway as if that wasn't enough then I ate 4 little dixie cups of vanilla ice cream....my worst enemy is ice cream and I've succommed to it so soon... I am trying to not be so hard on myself but man I feel guilty. Luckily I had no problems from eating that much but maybe that isn't so good afterall. If I would have gotten sick maybe I wouldn't be tempted again but probably not. I am so worried that I've done damage and stretched out my pouch but it's too late now. So for anyone with crazy ideas of splurging take it from me.....DON'T DO IT. The guilt is so bad. Anyway I am back on track today but felt I needed to confess so people know how real this is and it really isn't all in your stomach but in your head. WOW I am writing this after reading all the responses. Just to clarify it was over about a 3-4 hour period not all at one sitting. I hadn't eaten anything except jello all day. The ice cream dixies I talked about are 3oz., nofat, no sugar and 70 calories each. I am absolutely blown away by some of the very mean spirited comments made. Thank you to all who've been supportive and kind in your responses, I really appreciate it. As I wrote in the post I was warning anyone who might get a little crazy like I did to not do it and learn from my mistake. I know I shouldn't of had eaten that way and my own guilt and frustration especially after reading these responses have gotten me very frustrated. I am discouraged now from so much negativity but it's only a few people and it takes all types to make this world go around.
  14. I've been an RN for 20+ years and thought the OCC was a state of the are facility, better than some here in the US. Yes at first I thought no way would I go to Tijuana but after my friend did it in february and all I heard from her was positives I decided to do it. The Lucerna is a beautiful hotel with a gorgeous pool and they cator to your every need, including delivering chicken broth at 3am if you need it....I did. It's a very busy big city and the area has tons of shopping!!! Do your research though so you feel comfortable but I got alot from this forum. Good Luck Julie
  15. Thanks for such a great list. I also forgot about my George (how could I do that) and will hunt him down in the basement from hell as soon as I can eat solids.Julie
  16. I havn't had that feeling. I've been banded 9 days only today. I do feel a somewhat constant pressure right where my incision is for the band. It's always there and does sort of bug me especially when I am at work. Hankg in there Julie
  17. Hang in there. I certainly would call the OCC and talk to someone at length about your frustrations. JUlie
  18. I am so sorry you've been so sick. Good idea on having your band checked especially if you threw up alot. Hope you're better soon. Julie
  19. It's been a week and I can't believe I lost 10 pounds. I stayed on clears for the full 7 days. I am surprised that I do have quite a few hunger pains(or are they really head hunger?). My stomach does growl alot. I went back to work yesterday, and was tiptoeing around so I wouldn't hurt myself. I am a labor and delivery nurse so I never know what to expect at work but luckily I had a pretty easy day and got to go home a little early. I want to tell anyone who is awaiting their surgery not to be nervous at all....easy for me to say but really true. The surgery was a breeze and I felt so good that afternoon myself and 2 others went back to the hotel that afternoon. We even changed our flights to come home and came home the next day after surgery. Now I want you all to know I am a wimp with capital letters WIMP when it comes to any sort of painful thing. If I did so good than for sure the majority of you will be surprised. I am trying to get active in the chat area here as a means of support. I am so lame at using computers though I havn't figured out how to use all the bells and whistles like the ticker strips, stars, and just about anything that takes computer savvy. Any tips? I was wondering also about my member name and how they call me a "newbie". Does that just get changed by them or can I change it? I realize that's what I am but ya know after a week I should at least be a "novice" LOL!!! I wish you all a great day and no matter what point you are at I like to think that we're all in it together!! J
  20. HI Angela: My glue is soooo gross and I am trying not to pick at it. It's like little balls of buggers on my belly......gross!! I saw your post and thought about you and your great parents. I'm doing great and have lost 10 pounds in the week since we were banded on 6/4/08. Today I was sort of reliving that day and I thank you and your family for the support. I am sorry we didn't meet up after we were back at the hotel but I was feeling so good I went back that night and then changed my plane ticket to go back 1 day earlier, actually the next day after surgery. Tell your mom and dad hello and I hope your dad espec ially is hanging in there. Ask him if he got his V and V and he'll laugh!!!!Take care and hope to hear from you Julie
  21. You're right about the 1/2 cup thing. I've just been extra paranoid that I might do something to stretch things out. Thanks for the post and yes it was a long day at the airport. By the way your dogs are darling. I sort of lame at doing too much computer stuff but hopefully I'll get it figured out as time goes on. Hope you are doing well. Julie
  22. I had my surgery 4 days ago and I have been hungry off and on every day. My stomach growls so loud. I am just eating the clear liquids and only 1/2 cup at a time so I don't overdo it but is this hunger normal? Any suggestions? I'm a little frustrated that I am feeling so hungry.
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